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7D, Resolution 2008-035
City Council
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7D, Resolution 2008-035
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Last modified
10/24/2024 9:42:05 AM
Creation date
1/24/2011 9:01:45 AM
07-28-08 Regular City Council Meeting
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ <br />in the Mn/DOT State Aid Manuai, Delegated Cantx-act Process Checklist, <br />available from Mn/D4T's authorized representative. The City wilI retain all <br />records and reports in accordance with Mn/DOT's record retention sched�le for <br />federal aid projec�s. <br />9. Upon campletion of the Praject(s}, the T�roject Engineer will determine whether <br />the vvork will be accepted. <br />E. PAYMENTS. <br />1. The entire cost of the Praject{s) is to be paid from fede�ai funds made avaflable <br />by the FHWA and by other iUnds provided by t�e City. The Ciry will pay any <br />part of the cast or expense of th� Project(s} that is not paid by federal funds. <br />2. The City will prepare partial esti�nates i�t aecordanee with the terms of the <br />construction cantract for the Pro�ect(s). The Praject Engin�er will certify each <br />partiai estimate_ Fo�lowing ce�tificatifln of the partial est�mate, the CiCy will nnake <br />partial payznents to the Contractor in aceordance vviti� the terms of the <br />cc�nstruction contract for the Pr�ject{s). <br />3. Fallowing certification of the partial estimate, the City rnay request <br />reimbursement for costs eiigible for federal funds. The City's request will be <br />made t� Mn/DOT and wii� include a copy of the certified partial estimate_ <br />4. Upon comp�etion o� the Pro�ect{s), the City will prepare a final estimate in <br />accordance with the terms of the constt�action contract for Che Project(s). The <br />Project Engineer will certify the finai estimate_ Foiio�;ving certification of the final <br />estirnate, the City will ma�Ce the fina� pay�ent to ihe Contractor in accardance <br />wi[h the terms of the constructian contract far the �roject(s). <br />S. FoIlawing cer�ification of the final estimate, the City mayrequest reimb�rsement <br />for costs eligible for federai funds. The City's request will be rnade to MnIDOT <br />and wi�l include a copy of tt�e certified fir�al estir�ate aiong with tl�e requlred <br />records. <br />F. LIl1�TT'ATIONS. <br />L The City wili comply with all applicab�e Federal, State, and loca� laws, <br />ordinances, a�d regulations. <br />2. Nondiscrimination. It is the policy of the Federal Highway Adrninistration and <br />the State of Minnesota that na person in t�e United States will, on ihe grounds of <br />race, colar, or natio�al arigin, be excluded frorn participatian in, be denied the <br />bene�its of, or be subjected to discrirnination under any program or activity <br />receiving Federal %�anciai assistance (42 U.S.C. 2000d): Throug� expansion of <br />the inandate for nondiscrimination inTitie VIand thraug� �araIlellegislatic�n, t�e <br />prescribed 6ases of discrimination incluc�e race, color, se�c, nationai origin, age, <br />(Mn/D07' Aa eement No. `�'? r? r:,) <br />1V:1FedAidlAgreementVa[est sampleslArden �ii[ls 187 AC Agency Aa eement fl8.doc 21�100 Page 4 <br />
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