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Commissioner ZimFnerman asked if this facility would accom�nodate the temporary <br />fencing the School used. <br />Mr. Madisan stated the School has stored this fencing differently and this has remedied <br />the problem. He clarifie�l this facility would not stare the temporaxy fencing. <br />Vice-Chair Thompson closed the pu�lic hearing at 7:29 p.rr�. <br />Commissioner Reiff moved and Commissianer Hames seconded a motion to chan e <br />the lan ua e of Section i325.01 Subd. 4A. 3. To read "No more than two 2 <br />accessory..structures shall be nermitted on a�ot used for residential„ uses." The <br />rreotion carried unanimousiv (7-0). � � <br />Cammissioner Holewa maved az�d Commissioner Reiff seconded a motion to <br />recommend apurovai of Plannin� Case 11-003 for a Zonin� Code amendment and <br />Conditional Use Permit ami.endment at 1900 Lake Valentine Road based on the <br />findin�s of fact and the submitted nlans as amended by ,the four conditi�ns in the <br />Jan�ary 5, 20ll, Plannin� Case Reuort and the approved c�►an�ed to Section X32S, <br />Subd. 4A. 3. The motion carried unanimousiy (7-0�w ��� ��._� <br />