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City Plaruier Beekman stated �ased on the subrnitted plans and findings af fact, Staff <br />recammends approval of Planning Case 11-003 for a Zoning Code a�endment and <br />Conditional Use Permit amendment to construct a ticket sales and storage building <br />adjacent ta the %otball field at Mounds View High �chool. The recommendation far <br />approval is subject ta the fallowing four conditions: <br />1. The applicant shall coniinue to abide by the condi�ions of aIl previaus permi�s and <br />reviews. <br />2. The project shall be completed in accordance �vith the plans submitted as amended by <br />the conditions o� approval. Any significant changes to ihese plans, as determined by <br />the City Plan�ex, shall req�ire review and approval by the planning Commission. <br />3. Building �ernnit Plans shall be submitted to the Building Official a minimum of tvva <br />(2) weeks before the planned start of construction. <br />�. The applicant shall obtain all necessary perrnits from the Rice Creek Wa�ershed <br />District, MPCA, and other gov�rnm�ntal entities and provide the City with copies of <br />such permits prior to the City issuing any building permits. <br />City Planner Beekman stated Staff was also recommending one revision to the proposed <br />language for Section 1325.OI, Subd. 4A. 3. The recommended change is "No more than <br />iwo {2} accessory structures sha�l be permitted on a lot associated with residential uses. <br />Vice-Chair Tha�npson opened the floor to Commission questions. <br />Commissioner Reiff suggesied this language be changed to "No m�ore than two (2) <br />accessory structures shall be permitted on a lot used for residential uses." <br />City Planner Beekrnan agreed t11is would be zx�ore accurate language. <br />Vice-Chair Thompson opened the public hearing at 7:24 p.m. <br />Vice-C�air Thompson invited anyone for ar against the application ta come forward and <br />make coznmeni. <br />Mr. Bab Madisan, Activities Director for Mounds Vzew High School, stated ne had <br />talked with the neighboring properties regarding the praposal. There had been some <br />concerns about lighting but the School addressed these concerns. The neighbars were <br />appreciative of the School contacting them directly. He a�so explained the purpose of the <br />building and why the Schooi was requesting the size building they were. <br />Commissioner Zimrnerman stated there would be Dist�ict equipment stored a# this <br />facility. He asked if this equipment was %r District 621 and if there was space available <br />at other faciiitzes within the Disirict. <br />Mr. Madison stated the District equiprnent that would be stored at this facility include� <br />items ihat tne School needs to have readxiy available and there was no other space <br />available within the District. <br />