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CITY 4F ARDEN HILLS <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MTNNESOTA <br />SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 2011-003 <br />On the 315� day af Janua�y 201 l, the Arden Hills City Council adopted Ordinarice No. <br />2011-003, and by at least four/fifths affirmative votes pursuant to Minn. Stat. §412.191, Subd. 4, <br />directed tha� a summary of Ordin�nce 2011-003 be published. <br />TY�e amendment to Chapter 13, Section 1325.01 the City Code is collectively known as <br />4rdinance 2011-aQ3. The purpose of the amendments is to allow non-residential uses in the R-1, <br />R-2, and R-3 districts to have accessory str�.ictures up to 2, � 84 square feet in size. The amended <br />regulations will go into effect an January 20, 2011. <br />A full copy of Ordinance 2011-003 is availabl� for inspection by any person d�ring <br />regular business hours at the office of the City Administrator, 1245 West Highway 96, Arden <br />Hills, Minraesota 55112. <br />