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The proposed amendments would allarnr non-residential uses in the R-1, R-2, or R-3 Districts to <br />have accessory structures up to 2,184 square feet in size (three tirnes the size of a 728 square foot <br />st�ucture). Because all non-residential uses within these Districts are conditional uses, any <br />proposed accessory structure would require Planning Commission review and City Council <br />approval regardless of its size. The proposed amendment goes further io require an accessory <br />structure exceeding 2,184 square feet ta receive a variance in order to be constructed. <br />When reviewing a Zoning Code amendment or addition, it is importar�i to consider hov,r �Iie <br />change would affect tha entire zone instead of one specific property. If approved as proposed, all <br />non-residential uses within the R-1, R-2, or R-3 Districts would be allowed to have accessory <br />siructures up to 2,184 square feet. This would include scl�ool uses and houses of worship. These <br />uses are on larger parcels of prop�rty with larger primary bui�dings than what is typically found <br />on single-family residentiallots. Allowing larger accessory structures may make sense on these <br />types of properties. <br />Findin�s of Fact: <br />The Planning Coznzxiission offers the following sixteen findings of fact for this proposal: <br />Gene�al Findings: <br />1. The applicant is praposing to construct a 1,787 square foot accessory ticket sales and <br />storage building. <br />2. Maunds View High School operates under a Conditional Use Permit in the R-� Zaning <br />District. <br />3. A Zoning Code amendment is required to a.ilaw an accessory structure in excess of 1,458 <br />square feet in the R-1 District. <br />4. A CUP aznendment is required to allow the proposed siructure on the subject property. <br />S. Accessory staructures are permitted under the original Conditional Use Permit agreerr�ent. <br />6. The proposed application will noi exceed the lot coverage limits for tl�e praperty. <br />7. The proposed application meets all setback requirements. <br />8. The applicant is not proposing to remove any vegetation from the site. <br />9. The proposed structure would meet the size requirements of the Code if the applicant's <br />request for an amendment to the Zoning Code were approved. <br />�0. The proposed structure meets all oiher requirements of the Zoning Code. <br />On the Conditional Use PermitAmendment: <br />11. The proposed project is not expected to have azay impaci on traffic or parking conditions <br />since no change in the scho�l population or the schedule of ga�nes is expected as a result <br />af this application. <br />12. The propased project will not produce any permanent noise, glare, odors, vibration, <br />smoke, dust, air pollution, heat, liquid, or solid waste. <br />City oftlyden Hills <br />City Council Meeting for January 31, 2011 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />