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13. The praposed project wi�l not affect sto� water runoff since impervipus surface is no� <br />increased and no grading is taking place. <br />14. T�e proposed proj ect is not e�pected to have any impacts on school population ar <br />density. <br />15. A park dedication fee is noi applicable to this application. <br />16. The proposed projeci does not conflict with the City's Comprehensive Plan or the intent <br />a�the Zoning Code. <br />Recommendation <br />The Pianning Commission reviewed Planning Case 11-Q03 and unanimously recommends <br />approval of the Zoning Code Amendment and CUP Amenclment based on t�ie findings of fact <br />and th� submittecl plans as amended by the following four canditions: <br />1. The applicant shall continue to abide by the conditions of all previous permits and <br />reviews. <br />2. The project shall be compieted in accordance with the plans submitted as amended by <br />the conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by <br />the City Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission. <br />3. Building Permit Plans sha11 be submitted to the Building Official a minimum of two <br />(2) weeks before the planned start of consiruction. <br />4. The applicant shall obtain alI necessary perrriits from the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District, MPCA, and a�her governmental entities and provide the City with copies of <br />such pexmits pxior to the City issuing any building permits. <br />Requested Action <br />3. Motion to approve Ordinance 2011-003 in Planning Case 11-003 and to publish a <br />sun�nlary of Ordinance 2011-003. <br />4. Motion to approve Flanning Case 11-003 for a Conditional Use Permit Amendrnent at <br />1900 Lake Valentine Road, based on the findings o� fact and the submitted plans in the <br />�anuary 31, 2011, report to the City Council. <br />Approval of the second motian is contingent on approval of the first motion. <br />O�ptio�s <br />1. Approve the praposal as submitted. <br />2. Approve the proposal wzth conditions. <br />City oft4rden Htlls <br />City Council Meeting for January 31, 2011 <br />Page 4 0� 5 <br />