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2A, MnDot I694TH 51 Improvement Project Municipal Consent Discu
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10-11-10- WS
2A, MnDot I694TH 51 Improvement Project Municipal Consent Discu
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10-11-10 City Council Work Session
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AR.DEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORKSESSION—February 13, 2008 3 <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked why the road has to go to the north. <br /> Jim Tolaas, Ramsey County Public Works, stated there is a significant environmental concern <br /> along the south side of 96. In addition, the medians are important for safety, the shoulders are an <br /> important feature for safety, and the turn lanes provide some additional width. He stated the City <br /> will have to wrestle with whether it wants a sidewalk along the north boulevard area. He noted <br /> the new bridge has to be considerably larger, longer, and higher and the alignment of CR 96 is <br /> shifted northward to align with the 135W interchange and bridge. He stated if the County is able <br /> to curtail some of the impact on Arden Manor, it will do that, and added it is possible that some <br /> of the units along the north frontage may not be impacted. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked about the regional trail width. <br /> Mr. Tolaas stated the minimum standard is eight feet and the County is proposing 10-12 feet. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the trail could be moved five feet to the south to reduce some of <br /> the impact to Arden Manor. <br /> Mr. Tolaas stated when the environmental studies are completed, the County will see what the <br /> impacts are, and added it will be important to make sure the alignment on CR 96 approaching <br /> 35W is correct. <br /> Ken Haider, Ramsey County Public Works, indicated that most of this information will be <br /> available in the near future. He stated there are a number of constraints, including the lake, the <br /> bridge, and how to stage the bridge at the interchange, and these overarching concerns will guide <br /> the County as it does its preliminary engineering. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated he is in favor of trails on both sides as well as overhead or an <br /> underground connection on CR 96 given the existence of TCAAP so that people can cross over <br /> CR 96 safely. He stated he would need to see that in the plan in order to support that plan. <br /> Councilmember McClung stated he did not understand the need for a stoplight at Old Highway <br /> 10 and CR 96 if there is no longer a service drive coming down. <br /> Mr. Tolaas stated the County will review traffic movement to see if a signal is warranted. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding traffic volume and access points for TCAAP. <br /> Chris Roy, Mn/DOT, stated that the signal that currently exists at TH 10/CR 96 is one of the top <br /> 300 most dangerous intersections in the State. He noted there is a strong desire by people <br /> traveling on CR 96 who want to get to TH 10; with the removal of that signal, many of those <br /> people will be moved to an intersection at a desired interchange location. He indicated that while <br /> the signalized intersection at TH 10 and CR 96 is dangerous, the proposed intersection leading <br /> into TCAAP would be equally dangerous if signalized. <br />
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