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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORKSESSION—February 13, 2008 4 <br /> Councilmember Grant stated he felt it will be crucial to include some mitigation of noise in the <br /> concept plan due to the increased volume of traffic and the Iikelihood of increased truck traffic. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated the cost of funding for noise abatement will likely fall on the City <br /> because the decibel level will not reach Mn/DOT's threshold. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated that the preliminary design process can include a provision for sound <br /> mitigation; this provision can be included in the resolution adopted by the City Council. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding sound abatement. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated that the Council has previously discussed whether the City wants to <br /> maintain certain turning movements on TH 10 and CR 96. He felt the most important turning <br /> movement is northbound TH 10 to eastbound CR 96, and added this would service the residents <br /> in the Briarknoll area. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated that when Round Lake Road was done, certain land was acquired <br /> and there was an agreement between the City and the County relative to the City's use of TIF <br /> funds; that agreement needs to be revisited. <br /> Mr. Tolaas stated when the County made its improved CR 96 section and determined how much <br /> of its drainage would end up in the City, the County agreed to pay a commensurate amount of <br /> construction costs when CR 96 was constructed as well as an amount representing a payback on <br /> the signal on TH 10 based on a depreciated value. He agreed to provide that information to the <br /> City. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated the Council previously discussed the issue of access to Scherer Brothers <br /> and an attempt to minimize the impact by still allowing Scherer Brothers to use that road. He <br /> stated one of the elements was the turn radius at the interchange for semi trucks. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the frontage road at the Scherer Brothers location. <br /> Mr. Roy pointed out that a signal will not be allowed at this (alpha interchange) location due to <br /> safety and capacity concerns. <br /> Councilmember McClung stated that Councilmember Holmes previously suggested hiring an <br /> independent outside evaluator to look at the project and assist the City Council in making its <br /> decision. He agreed with this suggestion and stated he would like the City to hire someone to <br /> assist the City Council. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the relocation of TH 10, <br /> Mr. Roy stated that TH 10 is not currently planned for reconstruction and stated if it were to be <br /> realigned, there would obviously be costs associated with it. He noted that as you start to <br /> relocate further to the east, you have to reconstruct that portion of TH 10 going both north and <br />