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_. ......_ ..._ __ _ _ <br />City af Arden Hills Chapter 5 Alcoholic Beverages <br />consumption with the sale of food. In no event shall an an-sale iicense be issued <br />to a fast food restaurant as defined in the City Code. <br />S. Sunday On-Saie Intoxicating Liquor License. Sunday On-Sale Intaxicating <br />Liquor Licenses sha[I be only issued �o a restaurant, club, bowling center, or <br />hotel; which holds an O�-sale �ntoxicating Liquor License. An establishment <br />serving intoxicating liqe�or on Sundays must obtain a Sunday Liquor License. <br />500.4 Persons Ineiigible for License. Na license shall be issued or �ransferred to, �eld by, or <br />renewed for any person: <br />1. Who is less than twenty-one (21) years o#' age. <br />2. �1VE�o a�, or has a r�irect i�teres� �n, a raaan�faeta�ree� or wlaol�sa�e� of fntoxicati�g <br />liquors. <br />3, Who has direct or indirect interest i�t any other establishrnenf i� the City of <br />Arden Hills to which an alcoholic beverage license of the same type has been <br />issued by the City. <br />4. To whom, in the judgrnent of the City Council, based upon information received <br />as part of the applica#io� and investigation process, such issuance, transfer or <br />renewal would not be in the best interest o� the pubiic. <br />5-7 <br />Revised August 31, 2009 <br />