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City of Arden Hxlls Chapter 5 Alcoholic Beverages <br />(3) years; or a political committee registered under M.S. 10A.14; or a state <br />university or college; in connection with a socia[ event sponsorer� by the licensee <br />within the City. The Temporary 4n-Sale Intoxicating Liqnor License may not <br />authorize the sale for mare than foar (4) consecutive days and may no# <br />authorize sales on premises other t�an the premises that the licensee awns or <br />occupies withi� the Ciiy. <br />4. On-SaIe 3.2% Malt Liquor License. On-Sale 3.2% Malt Liquor Licenses shall <br />aniy be issued to restaurants, hatels, clubs, bowling centers, a�d establishments <br />used e�zclusively for the sale of 3.2°/a malt liquor for cons�mption only on the <br />premises. <br />5. Off-SaEe 3.2% Malt Liquor License. Off Sale 3.2% Malt Liquor Licenses shall <br />�ermit the sale of 3.2% tnalt liquor in the original package for cans�mptian <br />only off of the premises. <br />6. Temporary On-Sale 3.2% Malt Liquor Licenses. A Tempora�-y On-Sale 3.2% <br />Malt Liq�eor License shall only be issued to chariiable, religiaus and non-profit <br />organizations and shall permit the consumption of3.2% mait liyuor only on the <br />licensed premises. <br />7. On-Sa�e Wine. On-sale wine licenses shall only be issued �o a restaurant. A <br />wine license �ermits the sa[e a#' wene up to 14% alcohol by volume for <br />5-6 <br />Revised August 31, 2DD9 <br />