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MnIDOT Agreement No. 98030 <br />STATE OF MiNNESOTA AGENCY AGR��MENT <br />BETWEEN <br />DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATlON <br />A#VD <br />CITY OF ARDEN H1�LS <br />FOR �EDERAL PARTICIPATION �N PREL[MINARY ENGINEERING <br />�oR <br />S.P. 187-591-OQ2; M.P. SRTS 6�09{Ofi5) <br />T�is agreerr�ent is en#ered i�to by and b�hnreen City o#.Arden Hiffs ("City "j and ihe Sta:te <br />of Minnesota ac#ing fhrough its Commissioner o� Tra�tsportatian �"Mn1D�T"), <br />Purs�ant to �Ilin�e�o#a Siatutes Sectian 161.36, the City desires Mn/D07 to ac# as t�e <br />City's agent in acceptir�g federa! funds on #he City's behalf for #he constructian, improv�rnent, or <br />enf�ancem�n# af transportation finar�ced either in vvhale or in par# by federal funds, hereinafter <br />referred to as the "ProjecY'; and <br />The City is proposing a federal aid project to provide education and encouragemeni <br />support for its Safe Rovtes to Schon! Program, hereinafter referred to as the "Preliminary <br />Engineering;" and <br />The Prefimir�ary Engineering is eligif�le for the expendiiure of federal aid funds, and is <br />identi�ed in MnlD4T records as S#ate Project 987-591-002, and In Federai Highway <br />Administration ("�HWA") records as Minnesota Prvjec# SRTS 6109{p65}; and <br />MnIDOT requires tha# the terms and conciitiar�s ofi this agency be sei #orth in an <br />agreernent. <br />THE PARTEES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: <br />DUTIES OF THE CITY . <br />A. DESiGNATiON. The City d�sigr�ates MnlDOT to act as its agent in accepting <br />federaf funds �n its behaff made available far the Project. <br />B. ���GlB1tITY / COSTS. The estimated cost of the Preliminary Engi�eering is $1,Q00. <br />1_ it is anticipated that 100°10 (up to $ 1,000) of the cos# ot ti�e Preliminary <br />Engir�eering is to be �aid from federal funds rnade avaifable by the �HWA_ T�e <br />City wiH pay any par� o# t�e cost or expense of the work that the FHWA does not <br />pay. <br />2. Any casis inc�rred by t�e City priar to authorizaiion of ihe �ederal Funds, wiii not <br />be eligible for federal partici�ation. <br />3. Eligible cast and expense, i# aPproved, may cansist of the foflowing: <br />(Mn/DOT Agreement No. 9803Q} <br />Page 1 <br />