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4G, Resolution 2010-076 Approving an Agency Agreement - Safe Routes to School
City Council
City Council Packets
12-13-10- R
4G, Resolution 2010-076 Approving an Agency Agreement - Safe Routes to School
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Last modified
10/24/2024 10:24:36 AM
Creation date
1/31/2011 4:15:26 PM
12-13-10 Regular City Council Meeting
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a} The cost of cor�ducting a kicicaff program to celebrate ihe comp[e#ion o# tt�e <br />trai# and to enco�rage sfucfents to waik to sc�ool. Th�se #unds wiil pay #or <br />prorraotional items, prizes and equipment for this e�ent. Ir� additivn a por#�on <br />of the funds will be used to expand ihe "Walk Across America" program <br />aiready in pface ai #he school_ F�nds for this program will be used to <br />purc�tase prornotional iiems and prizes_ <br />b} T�e direct ia#�or charges for City employees for the kime that saici ernployees <br />are performing work pursuar�t ia #�is agreement must be doeumer�ted in a <br />P�bfic Interest �'indEng and approved �ay the FHWA_ Said labor chafges may <br />include ihe prorata share of "labor additives" applicaE�le to said labor charges. <br />Costs to the City of "labor additi�es" consisting of hoiiday pay, vacation, sick <br />lea�e, retiremen#, p�nsion, unemployment taxes, compensa#ion and liabiii#y <br />i�st�rance, iost time charges and sirnilar costs i�cidental #o fabor employ�ner�t <br />wil] be reimbursed only when supported by adequate records. <br />c) The ap�licable equipment renial charges for City owned equipmer�t used by <br />the Ciry anc� mil�age cha�ges for ernpioy�e owned �ehicies �sed by the City <br />an work perfarmed pursuant to this agreeme�t, at rates refi��ciive of the City <br />actuaf cast_ <br />d) Expenditures #or materials, supp[ies, r�echanical da#a processing and <br />equiprnen# rentaf, lirnited to the actual exp�ndit�res far the pur�oses of this <br />agreemeni. <br />4. Expenc�itures for general administration, supervision, rnair��enance anci oif�er <br />overhead ar incidentai exper�ses of the Ci�y are not eligible #or �ederai <br />participatior�_ <br />5. AcceP#ability of cQsts u�der this agreement wEl1 be determi�ed in accordar�ee with <br />the cost }�rinciples and procedures set fo�th in the applicabfe Federal Acquisition <br />Regulations, Car�tract Cos� Prir�cipais and Procedures, G8 Code of Federal <br />Regulations {CFR) 31 whrch is hereby incorporated by reference and made a <br />part o# this agr�erne�t. <br />6. For costs expected fo exceed $ 1,0�0, #he City must request the preparatior� and <br />execution af a su}��fernent to this agreeme�t, prior to incurring such costs_ <br />C_ STAFFfNG. <br />1_ Tt�e City wilf designate a pubTcly empJoyed projec� manager, {"Praject <br />Manager"), to b� in respo�sib�e charge of the Project and ta supervise and direct <br />the work performed und�r any contract let for ihe Project. 1# City e��cts to �se a <br />private consuliar�t far engfneering services, the City w�lE provide a qualifed, f�11- <br />time pubiic empioyee of the City, ta be ir� respor�sibl� charge of the Project. The <br />serv�ces of fhe City to be perfarmed purs�an# to this agreer�ent may not be <br />assigned, sublet, ar trar�sferred unless the City is notifiied in wri�ir�g by MnIDOT <br />that such actio� is permitted under 23 CFR �.33 a�d 23 CFR 635.'EQ5 and state <br />law. Tf�is written consent wili in no way reEie�e the City from its primary <br />resportsibility for perFormance o# the �nrork. <br />2_ During the progress of the work on the Pro�ect, the City authorizes its Praject <br />Manager to reguest in writir�g specifrc eng�neerin� ar�dlor iechnical services frorrt <br />(Mrl/DOT Agreement No. 98030] <br />Paga 2 <br />
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