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(e) Detail for ma#er�als, sup}�lies, and other ifems with the descri�tion, <br />units, and ur�it prices included in the invoice. If materials or <br />supplies are purchased from an autside source, a copy of thai <br />invoice should be included. <br />(f} The ir��oices will indude � Oi3°10 of efigi�le charges ap�alicahfe to <br />i�e Preiiminary Engirteering so ti�at the prorata share of federaf <br />and City participatior� can be applied to the totaE costs_ <br />4. Followir�g ce�#ification of the fnal estimate, the City may req�aest reimburs�ment <br />for cosis eligible for federal funds. The City's requss# wili b� made to M�1DOT <br />and wiiE inciude a copy af the certified �na1 �stitnate alor�g with the r�qui�ed <br />records. <br />5. Reimburserr�ent o# costs under this agreem�nt wiEl be based on actuaf costs_ <br />�_ LIMITATIONS_ <br />The City wi11 camply with al! appJicable Federal, Stafe, and local 1aws, <br />ordinances, ar�d regulatipns. <br />2_ Nond]scrimination. It is the poiicy of the �HWA and tk�e State of Minr�esota that <br />no persnr� in the Uniied States wili, or� the gra�nds of race, co1�r, or natior�al <br />origin, be exclude�l from par#icipation in, be denied the benefits of, or b� <br />subjected to discrimination under any program or activiiy receiving Federai <br />financiai assistance (42 U.S_C. 20a0d)_ ThrougY� expansion of the rnar�date for <br />nondiscrimination in Title VI ar�d through parailel iegislation, the proscribed bases <br />of discrirnination i�clude race, colar, sex, nationai origir�, age, and disability. In <br />addition, the Tiiie Vf prograrn has been �xter�ded to covef ail programs, acti�ities <br />and services of an entity receivir�g Federal fnanciaf assistance, whefiher such <br />programs and activii�es are Federaily assisted or r�a#. E�en in tf�e absence af <br />prior discriminatory practice or usage, a recipient in admir�istering a program or <br />acti�ity to which this part applies, is expected to take affirmafi�e actior� to assure <br />thaf no persan is excluded frotn �articipation in, or is denied the benefts o#, the <br />program or acti�i�y an the gro�nds of race, calor, natianal origin, sex, a�e, ar <br />disability. it is the responsibility o# the City to carry out the above requiTements. <br />3. Workers' Compensatio�. Any and a11 employees of the City or other persor�s <br />while engaged in #he p�rf'ormar�ce o# any wor[c or services required or permiited <br />by �he City under this agreemen# wii� not be considered empioyees af Mn/DOT, <br />and ar�y and afl cEaims that may arEse under the Workers' Campensation Act oi <br />Minnesota an beha�# of said employees, or other persor�s while sa engaged, will <br />in no way be #he obligation or r�sponsibilify of Mn1DOT. The Ciiy wi11 require <br />proof af Work�rs' Compensatian insurance from any cflr�iractor and sub- <br />contractor. <br />G. AUD1T. <br />1. The City vvilf com�ly witit #�e Single Audit Act o� � 984 anc� Office o# Management <br />and Budget (OMB) circuiar A-133 including ar�endrnents and successors theretq <br />which are ir�corparated herein by referenc�. <br />(Pin/DOT Agreement Nn. 9803t3} <br />Page 9 <br />