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_ . . ..... <br />as o� o� io7ias <br />I.2i "Textiies" <br />Textiles ineiude unwanted bu� r�usable ��ne�s: towels, sheets, b�ankets, curtains, tab�ecloths <br />and dothes: induc�ing belts, caats, hats, gloves, sF�oes and boats that are clean and free of <br />mo[d, mi[dew and excessive stains. Textiles rrEust be dry. <br />1.22 "Work Ptan from Contracfar•, <br />T�e annuai wor[c pian proposaE for recycl�ng system irnprovements su�mi�ed from the <br />Contracfor ar�d approved by the City. <br />2. Term of contrac� <br />TF�e term of the n�w r�cycling cantract wifl be a�eriod a� three (3) years from Marct� 1, 2008 <br />through [�/larch 1, 20'i 1 with tw� (2) one-year opfic�ns ta renevtir �pon mutual agreernent of the <br />two parties �rior to expiratio� af fhe cantract . <br />3, Annual Work Plan <br />The Contractor shall subrnit an annua[ worfc plan proposal no later than February 1 sf for the <br />�pcoming calenc�ar year to outfine Ecey priarities for system impro�ements. Public education <br />tools shali be itemized and approxirr�ate timelines described_ att�er service impravements <br />may aiso be incEudec� in the work plan_ The City shall reviev�r ar�d approve the work �lan by <br />t�o fater #han March i st each year_ The ar►nuaf wark plan shall be incorporated by reference <br />as an amendmeni ta this car�tract. <br />4. Annual per-forman�e re�iew meeting to diseuss re�ommendations for <br />continuous �mRrovement <br />Upor� receipt Qf the Cor�tractors anr�ual repori, the Ci#y shall scheduf� ar� annual meeting with <br />the Contrac#or and a City's committee. The ob�ectives of this anr�uai meeting wi1E include (but <br />not limiiecE to): <br />• RevFew Co�ttractor's ar�nual repar#, including trends in recovery rate and <br />participation_ <br />• Efforts the Gontractor has rnade ta expand recyclaE�fe markets. <br />• Review Cantractor's perforrnance based an feedE�ac[c fram re5id�nts to tf�e <br />Environrr�ent Comr�rtte� members andlor City siaff. <br />• Review Contractar's recorr�rnendations for improverr�ent in the City's recycling <br />program, inc}uding enhanc�d p�biic education ar�d other appo�tunities as contained <br />within the annual work plan for the upcor�ing year. <br />• Re�iew City s#aff recomm�:ndatians for Co�traetor's se�vice impro�errients. <br />• Disct�ss other oppartunities for improvement with the rernai�ing years ur�der the <br />currenf contract. <br />5. "�ual Stream, Plus" collecfi�on / processing system <br />Dual stream recycfaEales cotlectian and processing services shall be the basic service system <br />design far this coniract. U�cfer this dual stream design, residents sha�l cantinue to be <br />instructed ta separate recyclables into two primary grouRs of materials: (1 } alf food and <br />beverage containers, includirtg: gkass, rnefa�, aseptic, gable-top and pEast�c bottfes; arid (2} afi <br />,, <br />� <br />