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As of �11�7108 <br />paper fiber products, inc[�di�g: newspapers, box�oard, magazines, poplbeer boxes, mixed <br />mail, c�talogs, phone books, Krafi bags and corrugated cardboard. <br />ln additivn, residents rnay pEace elean, �eusable te�iles out s�parately i� plastic bags as <br />o�tlined in Sectton 34 of this Agreement. Ur�der this "dual stream plus" system design, <br />processir�g shaEi aEsa be by the categories as cfl1lected: paper separated from con#air�ers <br />separated f�-am tex�iles. <br />The Cor�tractor shali not rnake any changes to the cfual stream ca�l�ction or pr�cessing <br />systems without written a�proval of the City. <br />6. Paymen� Terms <br />The Contractar wifl i��oice fhe City of Arden Hifls on a mo�tY�ly b�sis and the City will pay the <br />contractor �o later than r��t 30 days of receipt of the invace. The �illing system will include <br />the folEow�ng elements: <br />6.I CompensatioR to Contractvr. <br />City agrees io pay Contractor $2_95 per residential dwelEing €�nit per month in 2008 for weekly <br />curbside coflection, processing and mark�tir�g of recycfables. Far 2008 �the City cer�ifies t�at <br />there are 2,56E} cu�bside units that wil� reeeive service. T�e City wi!! nati#y the Cantractor by <br />Feb. 1 of each year what the certified nurnhe� of curbside units wii! be #or fhe subsequent <br />year. <br />Tt�e City agrees that priees for servEce wi!! increase each year the Consurr3er Price Index for <br />�he Upper Midwest as determined by the FederaE Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. The City will <br />notify the Contraetar by the last vveek of December what the compensation rate wil� be for th� <br />subseque�rt cafendar year. <br />6.2 Materials Sales Revenue Share <br />A cornposite credit for the foElowing material sales reven�� share. <br />f,_2.1 Afl Pape� Grades <br />Paper prices shali be hased an the {?fficial Baard Markets (OBM) "Yeliow Sheet," Chicago <br />regiort for Qld Newspapers (ONP) # 8, hEgh side c�f range. The Contractar shall pay the City <br />50% of this OBM index for afl grades of paper collected a�er a processing fee afi $7� per ton. <br />6.2.2 Alurr�i�tum <br />AEuminum prices shalf �e based on the American Metai Market (AMM), Alurninum (1st issue <br />�f the mo�th}, �igh side nor�fe�ra�s scrap prices: scrap metals, domestic akumi�um <br />prod�cers, buying p�ices far processed used afu�rrir�um cans �r� carload lots, f.o.b. si�ippir�g <br />poirrt, used be�erage can scrap. The Contractar s�tal[ pay the City 50% of this ANfM <br />aluminurn index a�ter a processing fee of $'f �D per #c�n. <br />The Cantractor shaff pravide capies of t�e refe�enced OBM market inc�ex and AMM market <br />i�dex with each monih6y statement. The Contractor shaEl pro�ide a detailed explanation of <br />how #he material splits are catcuiated to deri�e tE�e paper anci alurninum tor�nage estirrtates_ <br />7 <br />