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As of 0�IQ7108 <br />11. Customer Comptaints <br />The Cantractar shaH establish and maintain, in a Eaeatior� approved by the City, a�t office with <br />continuous supervision for acc�pting complaints and customer cails. The office shall be in <br />s�rviee with cantinuous supervisian durin� the hours af $ a.m. unfii 5:00 p.rr�. on af[ days of <br />collection as specifiecf in fhis A�reement. The address and telephone numbers o# such <br />office, and ter� (i0) ciays p�i�r r�otice of changes fhe�ein, shaii be given ta the City in writing. <br />The address o� this office as of the execution of the cantract is 2828 Kennedy Street NE, <br />Min�neapolis, Minr�esota 55413. <br />Camplaints on service wEl� be taken and coflecter� hy the City and #�e Contractor. T�e City <br />wifl notify the Cantraetor of atE comp�aints Et reeeives. The Coniractor is respansrf�le for <br />corrective actions_ The Co�tractor sl�afl answer aEl eomplain�s eour�eausly and prarr�ptfy. <br />Eac� month #he Contractor shal! provide tF�e City with the fallowing repor�s: <br />: A iist of ali custorner comp�aints, including a description of hovv each complair�t was <br />resolved. <br />� A list of ail addresses wf�ere eciucation tags were left for resid�nts and why the tags were <br />!eft_ <br />■ A list Qf aEl rnissed p'rck �ps reported to #he Cantractar. <br />Th� monthEy re�aorts shafl be sent by mai[, fax ar e-mail ta the City's Recyeling Coordinator. <br />12. Ci�y �etains right to spe�ify resident preparation instructions <br />The Contractor shall agree that it is the City's sole righf to ciearfy speeify the reside�# sorting <br />ar�d setout requirem�n#s. The City shalE pubfish a�d distribute, ort an ar��uat basis, the <br />detaifed recycfab�es preparation instructions �or iis residenis as part of iis annual public <br />educafio� f�yer. However, the Ci#y agrees fo confeE with the Ca�tractor befo�'� the annual <br />filyer distributEo�. <br />13. City shall approve Contractor's public education literature <br />The Contractar shail ca�duct its Qwn promotions and pubtic eciucatio� to ir�crease <br />participation and improve co�tpliance with CFty-specified residen# preparat[�rt instruc�ions as <br />per fhe public education elements of th� anr�uai work plart At a minimum, this sha{i inciude: <br />production ar�d dist�ibution of an annuai flyer to each hotr�e; and distribution af "res[dent <br />educafion tags" to f�e lef� by curbside coliectior� crews i� ar�y non-targeted materiai is rejected <br />ar�d left at the curb_ The Contractar shal! subrr�it a draf� of any publie education literature for <br />appro�al by the City, at i�ast on� (1) rnor�th before printing and release of any such fiterature. <br />14. Qwnership of Work Product <br />�wnerst�ip of ai! drawings, designs, praprietary �a�e�ials, anc� other work praducts prepare�f, <br />produeed or deve�opecf in perforrnance o# this Contract, �ncluci�ng those in eEectronic forrr�s, <br />shaEl be retained by the Contractar_ Confractor agrees that aH right, titEe, anci interest ir� all <br />capyrightable �ateriaE which Con#ractor shafl concei�e o� originate, either individually ot� <br />jointly with oihers, and which arises ot�t o� the p�rforrt�ance of tF��s Contract, sf�a�{ be usable <br />by, �ncf on b�:hal� o# the city by The Contraetor, fflr th� duration of the contract period and any <br />subsequer�t extensions. <br />V <br />