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As of 01/07/08 <br />the com�osition, ir�cluding n�a€r�ber of samples, dates weighed, and City raute(s} used �or <br />sarripling. The Contractar s�ali provide the City with a copy of each s�ch analysis. <br />24. Estimaiing process residual5 <br />The Contractor shali pro�ide #he Ciiy a written descriptfon af the m�ans to esiima#� process <br />residuals der��ed from the City's recyciables. This vuritten description shafl be reviewed ar�d <br />approved in wrFting by the City. This wrEtten description shafl be updated by tl�e Co�tractor <br />immed�atety after any sign�fcant cha�ges ta the processing facilities �sed by th� Cantractor_ <br />The Cor�tractor shall record the weight and generatar for all materials entering the pracessing <br />facili�y an a daily, monthly and annuaf basis_ These records shall 1�e macte available ta the <br />Ciiy upon request_ <br />The Contrac�or sha�l r��ort tatal weight of ma#erial disposed as shipped out to a mix�d <br />munici�a! solid waste facifity com�arEd tv the tota[ material shipped out each month form its <br />processing faciEity_ <br />25. Lack of adequa�e market demand <br />In the ever�t that #he marfcef for a particuEar recyclabl� ceases to exist, or becomes <br />�conamically depressed that it f�ecomes economica�ly unfeasiF�le ta co�tinue collection, <br />proe�ssing and marketing of that particular reeyclaf�le, the C�ty and f�►� Contractor vsriil 6oth <br />agree ir� writing that it is no fonger appro�riate to calfect s�ch i#em before eo�lec�ion ceases. <br />The Contractar s�afl gi�e the City as rr�uch r�otice as possib[e about the indications of such <br />marEcei condition char�ges_ The Ca�tractar may �l�en inifiate the #ar�al pro�ess by sending a <br />letter to the Cify noiifying the City t�at the recyclable item sho�fd be disca�tinued from <br />callection. Upan receipt of th� Cantracto�'s notice, t�e City s�al� �ave 30 days to review and <br />negotiate a contract amer�dmen# relating #o disposai o# such a recyelable commodity that <br />does no� ha�e adequa#e marlcet clerr�anci. <br />After this 30 day period, the City shall pay the costs of all dis�osaE af any iterr� coNected that <br />�s deemed not recyela�te by Contractor and the City due ta Eack of adeq�ate market demand <br />untit the City has app�-oved that callection b� discontinued for those materiais. Afte�- the City <br />agrees ta ciiscorrtin�e callection of thos�: rr�ater�als, fhe Contractor is responsible �or the costs <br />of alf dispasat of a�y item collected that is deemed not recyclable by Contracfor and the City <br />cfue to lack of adequafe market demand. The City and Corztractor shall specifjr a date in this <br />writter� contraet amendment to cease cofleetion of the recyciable item ir� guestion. The <br />Cor�tractor shalt at all times be under a duty to minirnize recyciables ending up i� la�dfil� or <br />clisposal at ather facilities receivi�g mixed municipaE solid waste_ If disposa! of any recyelal�le <br />comr�odi#y becorr�es r�ecessary, upon receiving written perrnission from th� City, the <br />Cor�tractor shalf dispose af the recyckaf�le ma�erials ai a faci{ity specified in v�rriting by th� City <br />or an alternative agreed �pQn by the City ancf if�e Car�traetar. <br />26. Vehicte requiremen�s <br />Eac� collection ve��cEe shal! be equipped with tf�e fallawing: <br />� The Coniractor's vef�teles sha{I be marked with the nams and telep�tane nur�ber of <br />t�re Contractor pror�iner�tly displayed on both sides of the truc�_ T�e fEttering must <br />be at Ieast 3 inches in height. <br />12 <br />