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As of 01 /07108 <br />47. Retention of records <br />The Contractor sha[t retain a!I recards pertinertt to exper�ditures incurred �nder this eor�tract <br />for a�erioc4 of three years after the resolutian of all audi� findin�s. Records for non- <br />expendable property acquired with funds ur�der fhis cor�tracf sha�l b� r�ta�r�ed for three years <br />after final ciispos�tion of such property. <br />48, Data practices <br />Tf�e Contractor agrees to comply wit� the Minr�esata Govemrnent Daia Practices Act and ali <br />othe� applica�le state and federal laws relating to data privacy Qr confidentiafity. The <br />Contractor must immediatefy report ta the City ar�y requests fram third parties far inforr�-�ation <br />relating to this Agreerner�i_ The City agrees to promptiy respond to inquiri�s �rorn the <br />Ca�tractor �oncemi�tg data rec�uests_ T�e Cantractor agrees #o ho[d the City, its afficers, and <br />ernployees harmless from ar�y ciaims res�aiting from ti�e Contractor's un�awful disclosure or <br />use of da�a protected uncier state and fec�eral laws. <br />Ail Proposafs shalE be treated as non-pufalic informatian unti� the proposals are opened for <br />r��iew by the City. At that time the Propasais and th�:ir contents become public data �nder <br />the provisEons of the Minnesota Goveer�m�ni Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. C. �3_ <br />49. Inspec�ion of records <br />Aii Contractor reeords with respect to any matfers coverecf by fhis agreement shalE be rnade <br />a�alab�e to the City or its ciesignees at any time during normal business f�aurs, as c�fte�t as <br />tl�e Gity deerr�s necessary, tr� audit, examine, and rnake excerpts or transcr�pts af all relevant <br />data. <br />5Q. Applicable law <br />The [aws of the State of Minnesota sE�ail govern all interpretations of this contract, and the <br />appropriate venue and jurisdictit�n for any li�igation which rr�ay arise hereunder will be irr <br />those courts lacated within tf�e County o� Ra�nsey, State of Nlir�nesota, regardless of the <br />place of i�usir�ess, residence or incor�oration of #he Cantractar. <br />5�. Contract terrnination <br />The City may car�cef the Contract if the ContracfQr fails to ft�lfill ifs obligatiQns under the <br />Cor�tracf in a�roper ar�d ti�nely manner, or otherwise �iolates the terms of the Co�tract if the <br />defauEt has not been cured after 6p days writte� notice has beer� provicled. The City shall pay <br />Contractor a[I compensation earr�ed prior to the date of termination min�s any damages and <br />costs ir�curred by the City as a result af the breach. �� ih� canfract is canceE�d or terminated, <br />a#I finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, ma�s, models, photagraphs, <br />repatts ar oiher rr►aterials prepaeed by the Confractot' under this agr��me�t shalf, at the <br />optian of the City, become tf�e property of �he Gity, and the Gontractor shal� be er�titled to <br />recei�e just and eq�it�bl� campe�sation for any satisfactory work corripleted on sueh <br />cfocuments or materials prior ta �he terrnir�ation. <br />52. Employee working condi�ions and Contrac�or`s safety procedures <br />The Con�ractor �rvilE e�sure adec�uate working conditians ar�d safety proced�ares are in place to <br />compiy wftf� all applieabE� federaf, sfate and lacal iaws and reguEations. T�e City reserves <br />the right to inspect an a rarrc�orrr bas�s aif trucks, equipment, faciiities, wcsrki�g conditiar�s, <br />'i 9 <br />