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As o# �1I07lf38 <br />42. Dispute resoiution and arbitration procedures <br />T�e parties agree tf�at ar�y eonfro�ersy or cEaim arisir�g o�t of or reiatfng to this agreement or <br />fhe breach thereof, shall be seitled, at the o�tior� of the Contractar by arbiiration in <br />accordance vvitF� the Ruies o� the Arr�erican Association af Arbitration and judgmer�t �pon the <br />award by the Arbitrator(s) may be e�tered in any court with jurisdiction t�ereaf. <br />43. General compliance <br />The Ct�nt�actor agrees to comply wifi� a�l applicable Fec�eral, State and locai taws and <br />regufatians governi�g func{s provided unde�-this cantract. <br />The Contracior pays its empioyees a prevailing wage based an the recycling industry in tf�e <br />state of Mirtnesafa and Henr�epi� County. The Corttractor does not use terr�Porary labor <br />arrangemenfs ta avoid paying a living wage. AI� of our �mpioyees, permanent and temporary, <br />receive a payehack t�at meets or exceeds living wage standarcfs. Addit�onally, the con�ractor <br />p�flvides heait� insurance for afl fuil�ime emplayees and a pro rata sf�are for empEoyees <br />working more #han 20 hours bui iess than 4� ho�rs a week. <br />44. Independent contrac�vr <br />Nothing co�tained in �his agreeme�t is intended to, or shal[ be construed in ar�y manner, as <br />creating or estaf�l�shing tk�e relationship of employerlemployee �etween the parti�s. The <br />Contractor sha11 a� aEl times remain an i�ciependent Contracfor with respect to the services to <br />be performed ur�der this Contract. Any and a11 employees of Contractor ar ather p�rsons <br />engaged in the performance Qf any work w s�rvices requir�d by Gontractor und�;r i�is <br />Contracf shafl be considered employees or sub-contractors of the Cor�tractar only and not of <br />�he City; and any anci a�l cla�rr�s that might arise, inc�ud�ng Vllorker's Compensatio� c�airns <br />under the WorEcer's Compensation Act of the State o� Mi�nnesota or any other state, on bef�alf <br />of said �rri�toyees ar Qther persans while so er�gaged irt any of the work or services provided <br />to be re�dered �erein, shalE be the sale obligation and respor►sibility o# Cor�trac#or. <br />45. Hold harmless <br />The Co�traetor agrees io d�fend, i�d�mnify and hold harm}ess �he City, its afficers and <br />empfoyees, frorr� any liabiiities, c�aims, c�amages, costs, ju�fgments, and expe�ses, ir�cluding <br />attorney's fees, resuk�ing directly ar indirectly from an aet or omission of �he Cc�ntracfor, iis <br />employees, its agents, or emplayees of s�abcor�tractors, in the performanee af the services <br />provided by this contract, any res�ltir�g environmen�al IfabiEity that ts a result of #his contract or <br />by reason ofi t�� failura o� the Cantractor ta fully perform, in any respect, a�y of its obligations <br />under this contract. I� a Contractor is a se#f-insured ageRcy of the State of Minnesota, tf�e <br />te�rns anc{ conditians of Minr�esota Statute 3_732 et seq. shall appEy with respect io liability <br />bonding, insurar�ce and liability iimits. The provisions of Minnesoia Statutes Chapter 466 <br />shaEl appfy to other poi€tica! subdivisions of fhe Sta#e af Minnesota. <br />4fi. Aceoe�nting standards <br />The Corttractor agrees tQ mainfairt the necessary so�rce doc�mentatian and enforce <br />suffic�En� intemal controls as dietated by generalty accepted accaunti�g practices to properiy <br />aecount fiar expenses incurred tander th�s contracf_ <br />�, <br />