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• AVerage market pr�ce during �hat mor��� paici by <br />Con#ractor's designaied custome�. <br />H_ Eac� plast�c: PET, HDPE-naturai, HDPE-colQred sha�E �e: <br />� Mar�cet Price paid �y Contraetor's d�signated c�siomer. <br />fi.2.2 Processi�g fees <br />Tt�e p�acess�ng fee for alt paper grades shali be $60_�0 per ton, <br />which fic�udes materiafs A, B, C, arid D in sectian 6.2.�t. <br />The pracessi�g #e� for a�( Aluminum, Glass, S�eef, and Plast�c <br />rr�aterials st�all be $9Q.Op per �on, which incl�des ma#erials E, F, �, <br />a�d H ir� section 5.2.�. <br />There shall be no processing fee fQr residual ma�erials_ <br />6.2.3 Revenue and �racessir�g fee �farmula <br />Revenue will �e calculaied iay multipiying the to�s of indi�idual <br />material coffec�ec� by the agreed upon materiaf price as descri�ed in <br />s�ction 6.2_� , To�al Revenue wiil be calculated by adding all of #he <br />revenue g�neraf� for each of the materials cotlected ar�d <br />pracessed. Cantractor shail guarantee a mir�irnum price an a1E <br />ma#erials of $0.00 per tan_ If a particular rnateriaE ��ice is r�egative, <br />a price af $0.00 per ton shal� be �sed. Processing fees, as <br />c�escribed in Section 6.2_2; sha1E apPfy to rr�afe�ials with prices of <br />less thar� $0_00 per fon. <br />Processing fees wi6� be calcutated by multipiying the fons of <br />indf�idual rnateria� cailecfed by #he agreet� �pon processing fee for <br />each rna�efia! type as des�riEaed in section 6.22. Tatal Processing <br />Fees will be catcu�atec! by adding afi of the pr�cessing fees <br />generated for each o# the r�aferia�� collected and processed. <br />Reve�ue share recei��d by the City wi�l be calc�lafed by <br />subtracti�g the Totai Processing Fees fram the Total Revenues. !fi <br />the remainder is positive, thaf r�umber represer�ts the �e�en�e t�at <br />s�alE be spEit beiween tE�e Gity and the Can�eacf4r 5�J50. tf the <br />remainder is �egative, th�� number represe�ts t�e amaurtt of <br />pracess�n� fe�s not correred by t�af mo€�tF�'s reve�ue anc� wifE b� <br />�a�d in full by ihe Cify. <br />62_4 Price repor�ing <br />T�te contractor sha�� �rovide co�ies of �he 4BM Markei i�dex v,,��h <br />�ach rnor�thfy statEm�n� for maierials A, B, ar�d C i� sectio� 6.2. �_ <br />3 <br />