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Far cornmodities where revertue is based o� Ntarkef priea�g, the <br />Gantractor. s�alF provide capies of Load Ve�ifcatio� �arms detai[ir�g <br />the amot�r�t of materia! sold, tfie vendar, �nd the price paid_ Tk�e <br />�.oad Verificatiar� Forr�s shall be includecf wit� the Contracto�s <br />report io tFce Ciiy. i1J[arket prEcing Es applied #o recyclable mate�ials <br />D, E, F, G, and H in sectic�� 6 2_�. <br />Th�: Contracfor shall provide a detailed ex�lanation of how eack� <br />materia! is cafcuiated to determi�� mater�al tonnage �stimates. <br />B. SecEian 25 of the Con�ract is hereby amended in its entirety ta read as <br />follows: <br />.25. Changir�g Market D�r�and <br />25.4 �ack of A�lequafe Mar[cet Demand <br />If ti�e Con�ractor cfe#�rmi�es tl�at there is no m�rket for a pa€�ic�alar <br />r�cyclable o� that #h� ma�ket has becorne eca�omically unfeasii�fe, <br />�he Gontraetor shaEl immediaie�y give uv�itten not�ce ta the City_ Sa�d <br />no�ice s#�alf inc�ude information der�Q�stra�ing t�e effort the <br />Ca�trac�of has made to €i�nd r�arket souress ant� the �nar�ciaf <br />#nfarmatiQn jusfifying the conclusian �ha� t�e marfcet is economical{y <br />urtfeasible. �conomic �r��easibi�ity is defned as a�arket in whic� <br />market W�iue received #t�r a rnaterial are �ess than zero (0}. Upon <br />receipt o� said not�ce, the Gontracfor and the Ci�y shall hav� 34 <br />days to attempt to fiincf a feasible rr�arkei. D�ring #�is period, the <br />Contracto� sl�all continue to pick up the particular recyc�ab[e. <br />If th� Gontractor or the Ci�y is nta� abfe tQ find a inarket wit�in 30 <br />days, t�te City �as the option fo: <br />a} Reqt�ire the Contractor to contint�e fo eollect t�e par#icular <br />�-ecyclabfe. In such case, tl�e C�ty woulcf pay the Cont�actor, <br />as additiana� compe�sairon, t�e tippi�g fee af th� f�ewp�rt <br />R�F plant or a mutualfy agfesable alternati�e s�te. The <br />Cont�actor is requifec� #o keep accurate recorc�s of said fees <br />a�d pro�ia�e the Cfty receFpts af payment. <br />b� Notify �he Gon#rac�ar fo cease coll�ctior� af fhe par�icular <br />reeyclabie untif a feasibl� market is Eocated, �ither by �he <br />Co�ttractor o� by the C�ty. The Contfactor waufd ff�er� be � <br />responsible �ar f�te cost of printing and c�istri�uting <br />educatianat materiaEs explair�ir�g the marfcet situation to <br />residents. <br />0 <br />