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O�r�r�� v,rasfe:t�daythrough.inn¢vative res�urce �anagemeni a�d ta <br />reaci� a�vas�e-fre�e tomorrow by demons#�ating #hat u�=aste is preveniab�e, not ins�itable_ <br />�uly 3d, 2Q10 <br />Meagan Beekman <br />Arden Hills City Hal� <br />1245 � est Highway 9fi <br />Arden HilIs, M 1V 55112 <br />Dear M eaga� <br />Thank yau for takin,� the tiirie to meet w�th me last week. I appreciaced aur discussion about the <br />�artnershzp we have b�i�t over the last tu�o ar�d a ha��years_ Eureka Recycling rac=ou�d be very <br />much in favor of eontanuing the partnership we have started with rhe City of Arden Hil1s and z�s <br />residents by extenc�ing our reeycling collectian services contraet. <br />in the fizst year of o�r contract, the �articipation raee of residents in the city�s rec} ciin� program <br />was 72%. In 20U9, participatior� in t3ie prograrn rase ro 82°/a, one of tI�e highest rates ir� <br />ths T� Cities! <br />�ne o#�the reasons foz tI�s increase in participation is the amaunt ofcoir�unication Eureka <br />Recycling has with residena. 5ince Mazch 2008, when our partners}zip began, Eureka Recycling <br />has been reachir�g out tti city �esidents to �de�caCe rhem abo��t r.heir recycling program and provide <br />th:em with accurate and ixaspir�ng messages abaut �ow thear parricipation benefits the entTiromnent <br />and th� c�ty_ �7v e have �ad over 340 conversations tu�th Arder� Hitls reside�ts througl� our zero- <br />waste hatline. i�z acidition to the annual guicEe to that ��ve rnail each December to every <br />householc� in the city, vve have received requests from residents for an a�.ditional 45 pieces o�' <br />educa�iar�ai irzformat�on. <br />�ur recycli�zg co�ection drivers have left or�eF �,5Q0 educational tags rig}�L zn residenCs' recycliag <br />bins to help educate them directly abot�t how to sort t�eir nxaterials and about what is recyclable <br />in Arden Hi�'s zecycling progra.rn_ For residents who do not use recyciing E�ins, we rnaited over <br />�00 postcards to tI�ose �vho needed addationat info�na�ian about partidpating in the recyeling <br />program. Tl-€is direct educataon is the most efficient and eosr effeceive way to help residents fulIy <br />understartd eheir recycling program_ <br />Eureka Recyc�ng was the first orgaz�ization in the state to offer eael� crty ti��e serve a share of the <br />zevenue made frorcz the sale of recyclable material ser aut by city residents. Even in tl�e dif�cuit <br />economic times e�pe�ienced in the Ias� few years, Arden Hills receiaed reven�e �ack fram tt�e <br />sale oimateria�. In the very di#�icuIt pear of 2Q09, Arden Hi�ls received $3,325 in rever�ue skzare. <br />Since the beg�in�ing of or�r contract, the ciEy has received over $3a,000 in revenue <br />s�Zare. <br />2828 Kennedy Street NE � NEinneapoGs, M�i 559�13 1(657 j 222-7678 � fax {612j fi23-3277 \ <br />Eurcka Reeycfrng is an affirmative arlion, equa[ appatlunity emplayer. ]t is uus pnlity t0 hire wiihoo[ discrimi�a�ipo 6aseri 3n race. c�eed, rellgion, sex, color_ naiipnal origfn, <br />sexua] or aHectional ni�eatation, ancesiry, Familial s4Fvs, agE, disahiliFy, man[a15Fatus or status veit3� recard to pu6lic assislance. <br />� Prinied vr�th soy-basetl i�sk t!p a Minnesoia 6reat Prin[er on 106�, pp51C¢nsumer recycled pa�er 1ha1 was prucessed withuul IHe use at c3�lorine. <br />