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This revenue share heIps to keep the cost of the program ]ov�r for the cicy and heIps to si�gport <br />other environmental and vuaste reduction progxams ir� rhe ciry_ <br />Onc of the reasoris that A,rden Hills was a�le to continue to receive revenue slzare �ven in hard <br />ecorzomic t�mes, is that the q�a�ty oEthe material t3�at residents set out in the city is among the <br />best in the state. T�e residual rate (amonnt o�' �aon-recyclabt� material beipg c�l�ected at <br />t,he c�xrb) in Arden Hilis in 2009 was 0.09%. Thae rneans t�at less than one tenth of ane <br />perce�.t o£what residen.ts set out at the curb is nac recyclabie. ln pro�rams in other cicies tha� do <br />not partner wi�h Eureka Recycling that �umber can be as hzgh as 10-15%. Th�s achievement is a <br />res�lt of the education and o�dreach that Eurelca Recycling ar�d tl�e city have done to help <br />residents understa�zd their pro�am and the benefits of their pa�cipation_ <br />One of the important things that Eureka Recycling does to help inspire and infarm resicients <br />about �he irnportance ofparticipa�.ng in the cit��'s rec}�cling prngxam 3s to prnv�c�e t�lei�� with <br />ar�f'orrnation on the environrne�tal benefits of their recycling efforts_ �n ehe first r��vo years of our <br />parprtership with the Ciry of Arden Hills, zesidents set oat o�er 1,5dfl tons of material. lfii hen <br />xnaterial is recycIed iristead. of being wasted, it saves the tremendous arnount of the energy that <br />wo�d have been required to make new, replacement products from �Tirgin rnatenals_ This enczgy <br />savir�g transiates into pasi.tave enviroru�nental benefits_ <br />The recycling efforts of the resideuts of Arden Hi}_!s in t.f�e first two years of the contraet <br />p�-evented over 3,840 rnetric to�s of cazbaz� dio�de from beir�g released into the atmosphere_ <br />This posi�.ve environrnen�at ixnpaet is the equivaler�t af 13°1a a#'residents iz� Ar�len <br />Hills agreein� Fo give t�p dxxving tlseir cars far t1�e sarne two year period. <br />Eureka Recyc�ng and the Ciry o£Arden Hilis fiave worked together to create a recyciing <br />progzam that is axnong the best in the state_ �'articipat�on in the program is very higl�. The 9ualaty <br />of the materials being coIiected is very high anc� the city is receiving reve�zue s�lare back to t�el� <br />�eep t�.e cost of the prograr�� affordable_ Vv e Ioak forward ta c�nrinuif�g oe�r parrrxership together <br />as we work toward a waste-free torr�orraw_ <br />Please �eel free to coz�tact Ghristopher Goodwin, Eureka Recyclzr�g's director of customer <br />relations, if you �ave an.y add'zeiona2 quesCions ar need additianat information_ <br />Sir�cerely, <br />�� <br />�� <br />T� $�d���� <br />CEO and Presidez�t <br />�.-- ���� <br />S�san Hubbard <br />CSa <br />��� � <br />Debbie King <br />CFO <br />