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proposed projecf wil{ need to be tandutted in accardance with the Uniform <br />Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970, as amended by the <br />5urface Transpartation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987 and 49 <br />Code of Federal Regulations, Part 24, and effecti�e April 1989 trevised January <br />20�5j. Please revise the text in this section to incfude reference ta the Uniform <br />Reiocatian Act. Per this Act, relocatian assistance cannot dictate where <br />residents must relocate (i.e., within the existing park�. Please modify this text <br />accarcfingly as well. Please also make this change to text in ftern #6.4. <br />c. Other <br />i. Itern #5.�.9 lGeala�ic hazards and Soil Conditions] —There is a typo in the first <br />sentence. Round Lake and wetlar�ds adjacent to the corridor represent the 70 <br />feet to ground water (not O feet as the text currently states). <br />ii. Item #5.22 (Air Qualitvl — Q�aiitative analysis was nat conducted for US �.0 since <br />the prajected AADT is below the benchmark for a four lane freeway. While the <br />praject does remove the only traffic signal on the US 10 diagonal, it does not <br />can�ert it to a freeway. Qualitati�e analysis wauld be required if a four lane <br />arteria[ roadway benchmark is used. <br />Th� following summarizes aspects of the proposed project that the City would like to re[ognize and <br />acknowledge, �ut has n4 specific requested additions ar carrections to the text of the EA. <br />2. Other Items of fVote for tf�e City of Arden Hills <br />a. ltem #5.6 (Descriptionl—The project will grade separate the CSAH 96 and U510 <br />intersection. Interim ramps wifl be constructed to pro�ide local access. The projeci will <br />also reconstruct CSAH 96 frorn [-35W ramps to future Rice Creek Parkway as a four-lane <br />divided roadway, with intersection impro�ements and a bike trail (sauth side of CSAH <br />96) and sidewalk (north side of CSAN 96y along the entire corridor. Figure 3 shows the <br />proposed projett. <br />b. Item #5.1.3 (Water Use1— Due to t�e deep cut being made ta lower CSAH 96 beneath US <br />10, this project will require the relocation of an existing watermain. No disruption to <br />water senrice is expected and no permanent changes to #he public water suppfy are <br />anticipatecf. <br />c. Item #5.17 (Water qualitv: surface water runoff� — No water quality treatment is <br />current�y pro�ided under existing cor�ditians for the road runoff. The project will <br />include construction of a new storm sewer system that routes runoff from tf�e iwo <br />roadway law points ta the proposed water quality ponds. The water quality ponds are <br />to be canstructed in the northwest quadrarot of CSAF� 96 and US 10. <br />