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_ __ _ __ _ _ ...... <br />d. Item #5.29 (Cumulative Impactsl — I� the fufl TCAAP de�efopment were �o occur a fulf <br />interchange would be cansidered north of the new CSAH 9� averpass to accammadate <br />the increased traffic. The preferr�d alternative discussed in this proj�ct woufd <br />accammodate this r�ew interchange by removing the ramps to US 1a. The praposed <br />C5HA 96 and US 10 grade separation pro}ect will not implement, encourage, }�romote or <br />preclude the future development of the TCAAP site. <br />e. Item #5.31 (Summary of Issues) — <br />i. Round Lake and the TCAAP site are known to be contaminated. No impacts to <br />Round Lake and minimaE impacts to the TCAAP site are anticipated. 7he iCAAP <br />site is eligible for the Nationaf Register of Historic Places. However, the State <br />Historic Preservation Office #ound the proposed project has minimal impacts ta <br />this site and therefore will ha�e "No Adverse Effect". <br />ii. 0.6 acres of wetlands will be affected. Impacts will be mitigated using wetland <br />credits from the Board of Water and 5oil Resources �BWSRj roadway �ank <br />credits. <br />If you have any questions regarding these comments, please cantact me. <br />Sincerely, <br />CITY QF ARDEN HILLS <br />Terry Maurer, P.E. <br />City Engineer/Director of P�blic Wor[cs <br />cc. Kristine Giga, City of Arden Hills <br />