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August b, 2008, DRAFT P�anning Commission Minutes <br />PLANNING CASE #�8�019• Minor Subdivision Lot Consolidation and Rezonin • <br />1330 Indian Oaks Circle• Ci oi Arden Hil�s — Pub�ic Hearin <br />City Planner I Meagan Beek�man reported that the City of Arden Hills is <br />requesting a minar subdivisian and lot consolidation to subd'avide a 1,011 square <br />foot partion of a 6.67 acre (72,745 square feet} City-owned parcel and consolidate <br />it with a residential property located at 1330 Indian Oaks Circle. In addiiian, the <br />City requests that the subdivided portion be rezoned from I-1, Limited Tndustrial, <br />to R-J., Single Family Residential. She provided background and stated that t1�e <br />�taffrecommen�ed approval, subject ta the following condition: <br />�. The City shall file ih� minor subdivision and consolidation vcrith the Ramsey <br />County recorder. <br />Ms. Beekman showed an aerial oi the property and pointed out that that the <br />rezoning is the portion that rec��ires a hearing and the bold line is the new <br />praperty line. She also showed the proposed Certificate of Survey and sorr�e <br />photos. <br />Commissioner Holewa inq�ired why this did not require two motions. Ms. <br />Beekman replied that it was because they are contingent on each other. <br />Coznmissioner Holewa inquired as to how they would proceed today if somet.�ing <br />was encroaching on City land. Ms. Beekman repiied that it vcrould depend on the <br />property owner. She staied that, in this case, the property owner is wilting to <br />cooperate with the City. <br />Commissioner Holewa stated that, in this case, it is a foreclosure. He inquired <br />whether a new buyer wouid know this is in existence when they bought it. Ms. <br />Beekrnan replied that the informatian regarding ihe legal settlemeni would not <br />necessarily be attached to the deed of ihe property, but a n�w survey would be <br />recorded with the deed and the County and show the new property lines. <br />Commissioner Holewa inquired as to how they would pratect the new owner. <br />Chair Larson replied that ihere is usually a title seaxch and title insurance to <br />protect the new owner. He stated that, if it was private property the encroachment <br />was on, it could be a different situa�ion. <br />Com�nissioner Halewa inquired whether the new owner wauld be on the hook for <br />$25,000 if the property owner sold it. Ms. Beekman replied that it was her <br />understanding that that would be made clear throngh the title insurance. <br />