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receivable for any Fiscal Year to (b) annual principal and interest due on th� Noie �n such Fiscal <br />Year; <br />Determinaiion of Taxabilii : this term shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section <br />4.5(2) hereof; <br />Disbursing Ag�eement: the Disbursing Agxeemeni, dated as of the date hereof, among the <br />Borrower, Title and ihe Lender including any axnendment ihereof or supplement thereto; <br />Event of Default: any of the events described in Section 6, i hereof; <br />Host Ci�: the City of Roseville, Minnesata, a municipal corparation and political <br />subdivision ofthe State, iis successors and assigns; <br />�ssuance Ex enses: shall mean azly and a11 costs and expenses incurred by the City and <br />the Host City relating to the issuance, sale and delivery of the Noie, including, but noi limited to, <br />any fees of the Lender, all fees and expenses of legal counsel, financial consultants, feasibility <br />consultants and accountants, any fee to be paid to the City, the preparation and pr�nting of this <br />Loan Agreement, the Mortgage, the Resolution, the Pledge Agreement, the Noie and all otiler <br />relat�d documents, at�d all other expenses relating to the issuance, sale and deTivery of the Note <br />and any other costs which are treated as "issuance costs" within ihe meaning of Section 147(g) of <br />the Code; <br />Land: the real praperty and any ather easements and rights described in Exhibits A and B <br />to the Mortgage; <br />Lender: University Bank, its successors and assigns; <br />Loan: the loan ot' proceeds of the Note from the City ta the Bo�rrower described in <br />Section 3.1 of this Agreement; <br />Mart�a�e: the Mortgage, Security Agreement and Fixture Financing Statement dated as <br />o�September _, 2008, frorn ihe Borrower, as mortgagor, to the Lender, as mortgagee; <br />Note: ihe Senies 2008 Note to be issued by the City pursuant to the Resolution; <br />Pled e A eement: ihe Pledge Agreement o£ even date herewith between ihe City and <br />the Lender pledging ar�d assigning the City's interest in the Loan Agreement to the Lender to the <br />extent provided therein; <br />Principal Balance: so much of the principal sum on the Noie as from time to time and <br />remaians unpaid; <br />Projeci: the construction and equipping of an approxirriately 27,000 �quare foot addition <br />to the Borrower's corparate headq�arters locaied at 2845 Hamline Avenue North (the "Office <br />Facilities"} in the Host City; <br />2208845v4 2 <br />