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Project Cosis: all direct costs authorized by the Act and paid or incurred by ihe <br />Borrower, to finance the Project; <br />Resoluiion: the Final Note Resolution of �the City, adopted August 25, 200$, auihor�zing <br />the issuance of the Note togeiher vcJith any supplement or amendment thereto; <br />Series 200$ Note: the Commercial Facilities Revenue Note, Series 2008 {PHM&S <br />Office Building Proj ect), to be issued by the City pursuant to the Resalution; <br />State: the State ot' Minnesota; <br />Tax Exezn t Or anization: either (i) a nonprofit corporation organized under the Iaws of <br />one of the states af the United States of America or the District of Columbia �hat i� an <br />organizatian described in Section 501(c){3) of the Code and exempt from Federal income iaxes <br />under Section 501(a) of the Code or any predec�ssor or successor provisions of siznilar import <br />heretofare or hereafter enacted or an organization that is otherwise treated as an organization <br />described in Section SOi (c){3} of the Code and �xernpt from Federal income ta�ces under Section <br />501(a) of ihe Code, (ii) a limited liability carnpaxiy whose sole member is an organization <br />described in clause {i), or (iii) a governmental unit within the xneaning of Seciion 103 of ihe <br />Code; <br />Title: First American Title Insurance Company; <br />Treasury Re ul�at'�ons: alI proposed, temporary ar pennanent federal income tax <br />regulations th�n in effeci and applicable; <br />Section 1.2 Rules of Inte retation. <br />(1) This Agreemeni shall be interpreted in accorc�ance with and gov�med by <br />the laws of the State oiMinnesota. <br />(2) The words "herein" and "hereofl' and words of similar import, without <br />reference io any particular section or subdivision, refer to this Agreement as a whole rather than <br />to any particular section or subdivision hereof. <br />(3) Re%rences herein to any particular section or subdivi�ion hereo� are to the <br />section ar subdivisian of thais instrument as originally executed. <br />(4} Where the Borrower is pennitted or required io do or accomplish atiy act <br />or thing hereunder, the City or the Lender znay cause the sazane to be c�one or accomplished wiih <br />the same force anc� effect as if done ar accomplished by the Borrower. <br />(5) The Table of Contents �nd titles of articles and sections herein are for <br />convenience only and are not a part af this Agreement. <br />(6) Unless the context hereaf clearly requires otherwise, the singular shall <br />include the plural and vice versa and the masculine shall include the fexninine and vzce versa. <br />2208845v4 3 <br />