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Section 3.3 Disbursernent of the Loan. Pursuant io tl�e Resolution and the Act, the <br />City has authorized the Borrow�r to provide direct�y for the financing of the Pzoject in such <br />manner as determined by the Borrower and hereby authorizes the Lender to advance the <br />proceeds of the Note direciiy to the Borrower or such othez parties as may be entitled to payment <br />or reimbursenr�ent for Project Costs and Issuance Expenses, upon receipt of such supporting <br />docurnentation as the Lender xnay deem reasonably necessary or as required by this Agreemeni <br />and the Disbursing Agree�ent. <br />Section 3.4 Re�ayixieni. Subject to the prepayment provisions set forth in the Note, <br />the Borrower agrees to repay the Loan by mal�ing all payments of principal, interesi and any <br />premiurn, penalty or charge that are required to be made by the City under the Noie at the times <br />and in the amounts provided iherein. AIl payaments shall be made directly to the Lender at its <br />office for �he account of the City. The Bonrower represen�ts and covenanis tliat the source oi <br />payment of the Nate is from revenues der�ved from the operation of the Project and other <br />revenues of the Borrower obtained pursuant to its tax-exempt puipos�s. <br />Section 3.5 Borrower's 4bli ations Unconditzonal. All payments required af the <br />Borrow�r hereunder shall be paid without notice or demand and �ovitk�oui setoff, counterclaim, <br />abatemen�, deduction or de%nse. The Borrovver will not suspend ar discontinue any paymenis, <br />and vvill perform and observe all of its other agreements in this Agreement, and, except as <br />expressly pernlitted herein, will not ter�ninate this Agreerrient for aa�y cause, including but not <br />lirnited to any acts or circunn.stances that may constitute failure of consideration, destruction or <br />darnage to �he Project, eviction by paraxnount �itle, comrnercial fiustration of puipose, <br />baukruptcy ar insolvency of the Ci�y ar ihe Lender, change in the tax or other laws or <br />administra�ive rulings or actions of the United S�ates of America or of the State of Minnesoia or <br />any political subdivisian thereof, or failure of the City to perform and observe any agreement, <br />whether express or implied, or any duty, liability or obligation arising out of ar cor�ecied with <br />this Agreement. <br />Section 3.6 City's Adminisirative Fe�. Qn the date of Closing, the Borrower shail pay <br />to the City ar� administrative fee of %z of 1% of the principal amount of the Note plus all costs <br />reasonably incurred by the City in conneciion with the issuance of the Note. <br />Zaoss�sva 10 <br />