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ART�CLE N <br />BORROWER'S COVENANTS <br />Section 4.1 Indemnitv. The Borrower will, to the extent pern�.itted by law, pay, and <br />�ill proiect, inderra�ify ar�d save the City, its officers, agents and employees har�nless from and <br />against all liabilities, losses, dazxiages, costs, expenses (including atiorneys' fees aaid expenses), <br />causes of action, suits, claims, demanc�s and judgments of any nat�re arising fraxn the followir�g: <br />(�.) any injury #o or death of any person or damage to property in or npon the <br />Project or growing out of or connected with the use, non-use, condition or occupancy of �he <br />Project or a part thereof; <br />(2) violaiion of any agreement or condition o�` thi� Agreement, except by th� <br />City or its assignee; <br />(3) violation o� any contract, agreement or restric�ion by the Borrower relating <br />to the Proj ect; <br />(4) violation of any law, ordinance or regulation affecting the Project or a part <br />thereaf ar the ownership, occupaxicy or use thereaf, or arising out of this Agreement, the Note or <br />the t�-ansactians contemplated tkaereby, includrng any requirernents imposed on the Lender as a <br />financial institution ar any disclosure or regis�aiian requirements imposed by any federal ar <br />state securities law; and <br />(5) any statement ar information relating to fhe expenditure of the praceeds of <br />the Note coniained in the non-arbitrage certificate or similar documer�t furnished by the <br />Borrower ta the City vvhich, at ihe iirne made, is misleading, untrue or incozrect in any material <br />respect. <br />Section 4.2 Continuin Existence and ualification. Throughout the term of this <br />Agreernent the Borrower will remain duly quaiified to do business as a nonprofii corporatzon in <br />Miru�esota, and wi11 continue to operate as an organization described in Section 501{c){3} of the <br />Code whase income is exempi from taxation under Section 501(a) of the Code, and will maintain <br />its carporate existence, wil� not dissolve or other�wise dispose of all ar substantially all of its <br />assets, and will not consolidate with or merge into amoiher corporation or oiher business entity or <br />permit any other corparation or other business entiiy to consolidate with or rnerge into it unless <br />(1) the surviving, resulting or transferee corparation, ar other business entity, as the cas� rnay be, <br />�hal1 be a nonprofit corporation operating under the lavvs of the United Siates, any sta�e or the <br />District of Columbia, and an organization described in Section 501{c}(3) of the Code {provided <br />the Praject wili not constiiute an unrelated trade or business within t�e meaning of Section <br />513(a) o� the Code) ar a goverizmental unit under Section 145 of the Code; (2) the �urviving, <br />resulting or transferee corporation, or ather business entity, as the case may be, if other ihan the <br />Borrower, assumes in writing all of the obligations of tl�e Borrower under this Agreement and <br />ihe Mortgage and shalI deliver that instrument to the Lender, {3) the surviving, resulting or <br />transferee corporation or oiher business entity, as the case may be, is d�xly qualif ed to do <br />2208845v4 1 � <br />