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States, including the last insia�lment which sha11 be made no later than 60 days <br />after the day on which the Not� is paid in full; <br />(iv} nat invest, or permit to be invested, "gross proceeds" of the Note in <br />any acquirec� nonpurpose abligahons so as to deflect arbitrage othezwise payabl� <br />to the Unifed States as a"prohibited payment" to a third party; arxd <br />{v) if applicable, retain all records of the determination of thc <br />foregaing arnounts until six (6) years after ihe Note has been full� paid. <br />Unless the Opinion of Counsel described 'an {ii} above is provided, the Borrower <br />agrees that, in order to comply wiih this paragraph (i), it shall determine the Rebate <br />Amaunt within 30 days after each fifth year of ihe anniversary of the Closing and upon <br />payment in full of the Note; upon request, the Borrower shall furnish the Lender a <br />certificate showing how such calcuiaiion was made. <br />{j) The Borrower has not leased, so1d, assigned, granied or conveyed and will <br />no� lease, sell, assign, grant ar convey aIl ar any portion of the Project or any interesi <br />therein to the Uniied Siat�s or any agency or instruxnentality thereof within the rneaning <br />of �ection 149(b) of the Code, <br />(k) In addition to the Note, no other obligations have been ar will be issued <br />under Section J 03 of the Code which are sold at s�xbstantially the same time as the Note <br />�ursuant to a common plan o£ marketing and at substaniially the same rate of interest as <br />the Note and which are payable in whole or part by the Borrowex or otherwise have with <br />�ie Note any cornrnon. or pooled security for the payment af debt service thereon, or <br />which are otherwise ireated as the same "issue of obligations" as tlae Note as described in <br />TreasuryRegulations Section L150-(I}(c){1}; <br />(1) No proceeds of the Noie shall be invested in investments which cause ihe <br />Note to be federally guaranteed within the meaning of Section 149(b) of the Cade. If at <br />any time the moneys i�n such funds exceed, within the meaning of Section 149(b)(3){B) of <br />the Code, (i} az�nounts invested for an irtitial temporary period until the �noneys are <br />needea for the purpose for which the Note was issued, (ii) investments of a bona fide debt <br />�ervice fund, and (iii} investments of a reserve which meet ihe requirement of Section <br />148(d) of the Code, such excess moneys shall be invested in. only those investments, <br />which are (A) obligations i�sued by the United States Treasury, {B) other investments <br />permitted under regulations, or {C) obligations which are {a} not issued by, or guaranteed <br />by, or insured by, the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof or (6) not <br />federally insured deposits or accounts, all within the meaziing of Section 149(b) of the <br />Code; and <br />(m) Not otherwise use proc�eds of the Note, or take or fail io take any action <br />within its control, the effect of which would be io impair the exemption o� interest on the <br />Note from f�deral income taxation. <br />(n) rn order to qualify the Note and this Agreement under the "governmental <br />prograrn" provisions a� Section 1.148-1(b) of the Treasiuy Regulations, the Borrovver <br />22D8845v4 1 L� <br />