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(c} Na more than five p�rcent (5%) of the net proceeds of the Note, less any <br />proceeds of �he Nate used for Issuance Expenses, are ta be used far any private business <br />use as defined in Section 141{b}(f) of ihe Code. <br />(d) The payment of the principal of, or interest on, no mare than five percent <br />{5%) of ihe net proceeds of the Note is {under ihe terms of ihe Note or aziy underlying <br />arrangement) directly or indirectly (a) secured by any interest in (i) property used ar to be <br />used for a private business use, or {ii} payments in respect of such property, ar(b) to be <br />derived from payrz�ents (whether oz- not to the City) in respect of property, or borrowed <br />xnoney, used or to be used for a private business use. <br />(e) The aggregate autk�orized face amount of the Note (when increased by any <br />outstanding tax-exempt "qualified 501(c)(3} bonds" issued prior to 1997, ather than <br />"qualified hospital bonds," of the Borronver, or any arganization with which the Borrower <br />is under cammon managexnent ar control and is a test-period beneficiary determined in <br />accordance with Section 145{b} oi the Code) does not exceed $ISO,Q00,400 or, <br />aliernatively, at least 95% of the net proceeds of the Nate will be used for capital <br />expenditures. <br />( fl The w�ighted average maturity of the Note will not e�ceed the estimated <br />economic life of the Project by more than iwenty percent (20%), all within ihe rneaning <br />oiSection 147(b} ofthe Code. <br />(g) While the Note remains autstanding, na portion of the proceeds of the <br />Note will be used ta provide any airpiane, skybox ar ather private luxury box, any facility <br />primarily used for gambling, or a store, the principal business of which is the sale of <br />a�coholic beverages for consumption off premises. <br />(h) Not rnore than 2% oi tl�e proceeds oi the Note will be used to finance <br />Issuaz�ce Expenses. <br />(i) The Borrower agrees it will not use the proceeds of the Note in such a <br />rnanne� as to cause the Note to be an "arbitrage bond" within the meaning of Section 148 <br />of the Code and applicable Treasury Regulations. The Borrower shall: <br />(i) maintain recards identifying alI "gross proceeds" and "replacement <br />proceeds" {as defined in Section 148(fl{6)(B) af the Code attributable to the Note, <br />the yield at which such gross proceeds are invested, ariy arbitrage prafit derived <br />therefrom (earnings in excess of the yield on the Note) and any earnings derived <br />from the investment of such arbitrage profit; <br />(ii) make, or cause to be made as of ihe end of each fifth bond year, <br />the annual determinations of the amount, if any, of excess arbitrage required to be <br />paid to the United Sta�es, unless the Borrower obtains an Opinion of Counsel to <br />the effect that such calculations need not be made (the "Rebate Am�ouni"); <br />{iii) pay, or cause to be paid, to the Uniied States at least once every <br />fifth bond year the amo�nt, if any, which is required to be paid ta the Unitet� <br />2208$45v4 � 3 <br />