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recomr�encEed an approval af the Replatting Application subject to certain <br />condiiions. <br />4.0 City Councit Review, F��cii�gs, ApprovaL On March 31, 2008, the Arden <br />Flills City Cour�cil reviewed the Replatti�g Application, the reports and <br />comments of its staff and cansultar�ts, and the comments of CMK; and approved <br />the Replat�in� Applica[ion subject to the fo€iowin� conditions: <br />A. Prior to execution of the �€�nal plat, CMK shalL• <br />1. Pay the �ark dedication fee or enter into a paymer�t <br />a�reement pursuant to Arden F-lil€s Cade Section <br />��30.08 (E). <br />2. Temporary utility easements for portions a� existir�� <br />utilities sha[l be conveyed prior to recordin� the <br />vacatin� resoiution referenced in 5.0 and 6.0. CMK <br />shall pay for all cost incurred by the City to �repare <br />and/or record temporary and permanent �tiEity <br />easements. The farmat of the easement shalt be <br />approved by the City �n�ineer and the City Attorney. <br />S. Prior to the issuance of any buiEdin� permits or gradin� <br />perrnits, CMK shall: <br />1. Prepare final �radin�, draina�e, u�ility and erosion <br />control plans for the Pro�erty which sha€l be sUbject <br />to review and approval by the City's Public Works <br />and Er�gineering Departrr�ents and the Rice Creek <br />Wa�ershed District. <br />2. Ob�ain an �ro5ion co�tra[ permit frort� the City and <br />comply with the terms of the permit. <br />3. Submit utili�y plans for each 1ot whicE� shall be <br />s�bject to approval by the City En�ineer and Public <br />Works Director. <br />4. Convey pubfic utility easemertts to the City, subject <br />to review and approval of the City's Pubiic Warks <br />and Engineerin� Departments. <br />5. Obtain all necessary permits fram th� Rice Creek <br />Watershed District, NPD�S, Ramsey County, the <br />Metropol#tan Councit, the State o� Minnesota, the <br />Department of t�atural Resourees and any other <br />�overning a�encies where applicable. <br />� <br />