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6. Execute a storm water pond ma�ntenance <br />a�reernent as prepared by the City Attorney. <br />5.0 Vacatton of Easements. Concurrent with the appro�al of the Reptattin� <br />Application, the City shail acfopt a resolution vacatin� the easernents <br />described tn the fallowin� docc�ments as recorded with the Ramsey <br />Cour�ty Recorder: 2479184, 1719279, 18326bQ, � 585079, and 2358302. <br />The resolution vacatin� the utility easements described hereir� shall no� <br />be effective until temporary utiEity easements are conveyed subject to <br />review and approvaf by the City En�i�eer and Ci�y Attorney. <br />6.0 Vacation of Street. Cor�current with the approval of the Reptattin� <br />Application, the City shal[ adopt a resolution vacating the fotlowin� <br />pubfic rt�ht-of-way: <br />Al! of 3`d Ave. �!E a�d i 3th St. NE as dedicated in the plat of the <br />t�ortheas� corr�er addition accordin� to �he recor�ed plat thereof, <br />Ramsey County, Minn�sota. <br />The resol�ation vacatin� t�e streets described herein shall not be <br />effective until temporary utili�y easer�er�ts are canveyed subjec�. to <br />review and approvai by the City �na�neer and City Attorney. <br />� <br />