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7I PC 08-006 Northwestern College
City Council
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7I PC 08-006 Northwestern College
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Last modified
10/24/2024 9:39:47 AM
Creation date
2/10/2011 10:38:40 AM
3-31-08 Council Regular
General - Type
3-31-08 Council Regular
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Corr�missioner Stodola inquired about the difference between the cun-ent raad and <br />the proposed road. Mr. Humphries c�emanstrated the proposed c�anges in the <br />road_ He stated this wiII decrease the autainobile traffic on the interior of the <br />ca�npus. <br />Commissio�er Stodola inquirec� if the cur►-ent road is a one way or a two way <br />road. Mr. Humphries staEed it is a one way road. <br />Commissioner Sand inquired about the additiona� width of the roadway. Mr. <br />Manning stated it will be toward the west which is away from the xesidents. <br />Comnr�issioner Sand inquired about timing of Phase 2 for the two-level parking <br />struct�are. Mr. Hurr�phries stated he isn't sure when it wauld occur. <br />Commissioner Sand inquired if the lighting for the surface Ievel parkang r�vould be <br />buiIt into the seconc3leve� of the parking siructu�-e. Mr. Humphries stated that the <br />lights would be removed, but tl�ey would like to use them on the upper Ievel. <br />Commissioner Sand inquired about the size of the trees in the ]andscaping. Mr. <br />Humphries stated that he believes the trees will have the appearartce as <br />demonstrated on the pians by t1�e fall of 2008. <br />Mr. Manning state� that they will attempt to create the buffer ir� the spring of <br />2048 at the beginning of the project. <br />Corr�missioner Sand stated he wouldn't like the trees removed and have it be bare <br />until fatI. <br />Mr. Manning stated that they would like a barrier io be in place during #he <br />constr�ction. <br />Commissioner Holewa inquired if there was any consideration for annual <br />plantir�gs on the parking deek. Mr. Manning stated that with a second deck of tne <br />park�ng struc�i.tre, the plantings wou�cin't survive. <br />Commissioner Holewa stated he was asking for the p�antings to be on the second <br />deck af the parking structure. Mr. Manning stated that they hadn't thought about <br />that. <br />Chair Larsan stated that the second deck would be at grade and that the first deck <br />vvould be ahout 12 feet down. <br />Commissioner Modesette inc�uired if foundations �hat wouic� permit a seeonc� story <br />on the parking structure are a part of Phase 1 constz�uction pIans. Mr. Hur�phries <br />stated that they are. <br />
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