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__ . __ _ _ __ _ _ _ <br />P. 24 hour security persannel alang with two year round Residential <br />Directors, and residential assistants with a ratio no greater than 31 to l. <br />Q. AIl rnechanica] equrpment and life safety devices/equipment, to be <br />inspected a# a rninimum, before the beginning of school zn the fall. — <br />(submit letter certifying testing and compliance} <br />R. Regarding accessibility issues, Northwestern Col�ege to rr�eet the <br />needs of eaeh individual on a case by case basis. <br />S. A ftre department lock box will be insta�led near main entrance; lock <br />box shall contain a mini�raurn of four sets of keys or key cards for full <br />access to the buiiding. <br />T. The build�ng will need to comply with tl�e Minnesota Statute 299F.50- <br />Carbon Monoxide Alarms for multi-family dwellings. - <br />U. C�rrentty there is no way to evacuate smoke from the second or fourth <br />floor of struc�ttre, provide a means to evacuate smoke from t�ese two = <br />floors. Means will be approved by Fire Department. <br />V. Both the City and Fire Department to inspect and approve the abo�e <br />items before oceupancy by Nortnwestern Co}Iege. <br />W. T�is is to be a temporary interim use expiring June 15`, af 201 l. Any <br />possible extensions shaIl require the structure to be fully frre - <br />sp�znlclered per NFPA. <br />1 Q. The building oecupaney shall not exceed t�e occugancy Iimit as determined <br />by the Buitding Official and Fire Marshal or 350 students, whichever is less. <br />11. The on-site food service fac�lities shall be limited to use by stucients and staff <br />of Northwestern College. <br />I2. Failure to cornply with any of the conditions in this Interirn Use Permit or any <br />other City Codes, including zoning and property maintenance codes, may be <br />graunds far termination of the Interim Use Permit by the City. <br />13. Applicant shall s�zbmit groof of ownership of the property prior to execution <br />of the Interim Use �ermit. <br />Chair Larson inquired if there is a proposal for using the additional faciIities on <br />the site. <br />Rob Davidson, Davidson Companies, stated they are exci�ed about this <br />opportunity. He stated the othEr portians of the building will be used excIusively <br />for the callege. <br />Ckzair Larson inquixed if there will be food service for the dormitory. Mr. <br />Davidson statec� there will be and it wil] be exelusively for the college. <br />