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Chair Larson stated he would like a condition that states that those areas be used <br />exeI�sively for �he college, but not necessarily for the exclusive use of the <br />students in the dormitory. <br />Ms. Beekman stated that condition l l addresses the on-site food facilities and <br />could be ame�ded to include the other on-site faeilities. <br />Cl�air Larson opened the flooz- to Coxnmission questio�s. <br />Commissioner Madesette inquired about the removal of the outbui�ding on the <br />northwestern corner. Ms. Beekman statec3 it is a shed and the Building Official <br />lias deemed it unsafe. <br />`Commissioner Modesette inyuired about the sprinkling in the b�ilding. Mr. <br />Davidson stated the areas that aren't private rooms are sprinkled. <br />Commissioner Modesette clarified that the sprinkling �uould occur before the <br />residents wo�ld move an. Mr. Davidson stated that it wou�d. <br />Com�nissioner Modese#�e inquired about a requirefnent for UL listing and <br />reporting and fre ala�ms. She stated tliat the alarms would be monitored by the <br />24 hour seeurity_ She inquired about the process in the event that the alarrs�s <br />would need to be used_ <br />Mr. Hump�ries stated that t�tey plan to have 2� hour security, 2 resident directors, <br />and RAs. He stated the staff wouId be able to radio security that would be able to <br />responc�. <br />Commissianer Modesette inquired about the on-going maintenance af life safety <br />deviees. Mr. Davidson stated it wauld depend on the specific items. <br />Commissioner Modesette inquired about the e�acuation of smoke frorn the second <br />floor. Mr. Davidson stated that they wil� be meeting with the Fire Marshal and <br />wiIt discuss this item further. He stated at this point they are unclear on how to <br />address it. <br />Commissioner Sand inc�uired if tl�ere was a condition for the City Attarney to <br />review the lease agreement between the owner and the college. He stated he <br />thizaks the lease agreerr�ent should include the conditions_ Ms. Beekxnan stated an <br />interim use pern�it would be c3rafted by the City Attorney that would Iist all of the <br />condi#ions. She stated the interim use pern-tit would be an ageement between the <br />property owner and the City. <br />Commissioner Sand inquired if there will he a lease agreement that is separate <br />from �he pro}�erty agreeme�t. Mr_ Davidson stated that they will be separate. <br />