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Cozzzznissioner Sand sta#ed a property owner wauld want the occupants to comply <br />with the lease agreement. Mr. Davidson stated that he would prefer not to l�ave <br />the lease agreement as part of the public record. <br />Commissioner Sand stated that the lease agreement could refer to the property <br />agreement. H� inquired about the practicality of students only in the food service <br />aa-ea due to potential gezests_ <br />Mr. Lehnhaff stated tl�at the lang�age could anclude guests. <br />Doug Schroeder, Chief Financial Of�cer, stated that the college's rules of conduct <br />require the approva] of guests by the college. He stated he thought the pz-evious <br />language would have incl�xded the gttests. <br />Commissio�er Sand stated he was cancerned abaut the City's responsibiIity for <br />the use if it is only by students and staff. <br />Claair Larson stated the language could be changed to sta�e: "The faciiities would <br />be ]imited to the use by Northwesterta College" instead of stating students and <br />staf£ <br />Commissioner Hoiewa stated that he thinks the College needs to be responsible <br />for what happens at their facilities. <br />Commissioner Stodola stated that there are apartment buildings that are ofF <br />campus and noted that there are procedures for those. <br />Chair Larson stated Staff could address the language for conditian l I prior to <br />approval by t�Ze Council. <br />Comm�ssioner Sand suggested the �anguage for condition 11 to state: "The <br />faeiIities sha11 be limited to use by students and staff of Northwestern Ca�lege or <br />others approved by or having permission from the College." <br />Commissioner Modesette inquired if that would allow the college to rent out the <br />ineeting rooms. Chair Larsoza stated tnat he thinks they have made it clear that the <br />facility is not for puhlic use and the language suggested hy Commissioner Sand <br />would be adequate. <br />Cornrnissioner Holewa inquired if the food facility wouId mainly be used by the <br />resic�ents in that dormitory. Mr. Schroeder stated that they are stilI discussing the <br />food service. He stated t�e current eoncept is a lirnited food service with the main <br />dining hali on campus. He stated that if they �rould have something it zraay he <br />more of a grill. <br />