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5. Northwestern College shal� submit a shuttle schedule to the City and s�bmit, in <br />writing, any changes to the schedule while the interirn use permit is in effect_ If <br />Northwesterr� College stops che shuttle service dur�ng the regular schoo� year, the <br />interirr� use pernr�it rraay be terminated by the City. <br />6_ Northweste�-ra College shal{ provide an update in December of each year to t�e City <br />Council on ihe status of the new dormitory that is to be built on the Northwestern <br />ColIege Campus. <br />7. AIl parking demand shall be accammodated on-site. <br />8. The outbuildir�g on the northwest carner af the property shall be removed �r�or to the <br />issuance of the 4ccupancy Permit. <br />9. The property awner si�all comply with the Building Official and Fire Marshal <br />conditions listed in their memo dated February 22, 2008, unless alternati�e solutians <br />can be found, subject to approval of the Building �fficial and Fire MarshaI, prior to <br />the issuanc� oian occupancy pennit. These conditions are as follows: <br />A. All currez�t li% safety measures, both active and passive io be fi�lly <br />operational as originaily insta�ied. This includes but not Iimited to, all <br />penetrations and or alterations to existing fire ratings of wal}s, corridors, <br />and floar systems. They are to be inspected and repaired to t�ere ariginal <br />condition. <br />B. AII corridor doors to have a minimu�n of a one hour fire rating, and are <br />self closing as originally installed. All doors to be inspected and repaired <br />as needed. (submit letter certifying testing and compliance} <br />C. AI� fire dampers to be inspected and tested ta assure they are in good <br />working condition. (submit letter certifying testzng and compliance) <br />D. All mechanical equipment to be inspected and tested by a licensed <br />quali�ed company {approved by City prior to inspection and testing) to <br />assure the eq�ipment is in a�ood, safe operating co�dition. (subrnit letter <br />certifying testing and compliance) <br />E. Any laundry facilities that ar� to rernain o�- impleme��ted in the building <br />are to be inspected and approved by the Ctty prior to there �se. <br />F. Any kitchen equipment Po remain is to be inspected and approved by the <br />appropriate government agency prior to its use. (City, Fire, or Ramsey <br />County Health Department) <br />G. The instaIlation of a ft�lly addressabie fire alarrn system. This is to znclude <br />a smoke detection systern to he it�stalled in alI normally unoccupied <br />spaces, i�cluding but not li�nited to mechanical raoms, storage rooms, and <br />utility tunnels. Corridors and Iaundry roams are also to have smoke <br />detection_ (City and �'ire Dept. to approved ptans prior to insta�lation.) <br />H. Smoke detection will also be required in all areas of the iower �e�el <br />(basement) througl�out_ Including �re sprinklered areas. <br />I_ Al] sleeping units are to be equipped with a smo�e detection c�evice. <br />individuai unit smoke detectors, upon a�arm, to send an addressable <br />notification to a constantly rnonitored, (24-7) in house location, such as <br />the current front desk_ <br />J. Security to immediately inspect/respond and alert fire/poliee as necessary. <br />'�ardenhilltlPlpnningl Plarrnuig Cases110081(1$-070 Daridsos: h�teiim Use Permit (PC ApprpvedJl(133108 - CCRepot7 - Davidson <br />IL1P.doc <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />