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Lookin <br />Forward A Commission's Pers <br />ective <br />The Parks and Recreation Commission members are County residents, avid park users <br />and citizens appointed by the County Board to advise them on parks and recreation <br />matters. We believe our parks and outdoor recreation opportunities are a key part of <br />the quality of life in Ramsey County. Our residents consistently rank our parks high and <br />the availability of parks and green space in the Twin Cities ranked 2nd out of 12 meas- <br />ures in assessing satisfaction with place. Yet, despite the strong bond taxpayers have <br />with our parks, the Parks and Recreation budget is just a fraction of the County's <br />budget. The following are some specific observations and recommendations of the <br />Commission. We appreciate the opportunity to serve Ramsey County on the Parks and <br />Recreation Commission. <br />The Department of Parks and Recreation has secured capital funding to develop and rede- <br />velop most elements of the parks and recreation system; however, maintaining these areas <br />and facilities are a priority for the Commission. Routine maintenance during peak use peri- <br />ods has been reduced in recent years due to budget cuts. This is particularly evident in <br />parks and beaches during the summer months. The Commission encourages the County <br />Board to fund adequate maintenance services at parks and beaches throughout peak use <br />periods. <br />Maintaining facilities throughout their useful life requires a continued commitment to capi- <br />tal asset management. The Commission appreciates the County Board's continued support <br />of funding for capital asset management. <br />Trails provide recreational opportunities that link parks and community assets, as well as <br />provide transportation alternatives that support active living. Collectively, Ramsey County <br />and its municipalities have provided a number of trail opportunities; however, emphasis <br />should be placed on completing a network of trails by addressing critical gaps in the trail <br />system. <br />The Commission supports programs and services for teens and encourages Ramsey County <br />to work with municipalities, school districts and non profit organizations to expand oppor- <br />tunities for teenagers. <br />Parks and recreation services contribute substantially to the health of County residents. <br />The Active Living Ramsey Communities! initiative underscores the positive relationship <br />between parks and trails and the health of our community. <br />