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.T.- <br />RpENHILLS <br />Draft <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING <br />TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2011 <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY HALL <br />CALL MEETING TO ORDER <br />Chair Scott called the January 11, 2011, meeting of the Parks, Trails, and Recreation Committee to <br />order at 6:35 p.m. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Steve Scott, Committee Members John Peck, Phil Kramlinger, <br />Harold Petersen, Chuck Michaelson, Nancy O'Malley, Rich Straumann, and Cindy Garretson. <br />OTHERS PRESENT: Park and Recreation Manager Michelle Olson and former Committee <br />Member Donald Messerly. <br />ABSENT: Council Liaison David Grant and Committee Member Nancy O'Malley <br />1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />MOTION: Committee Member Straumann motioned to approve the agenda as presented <br />and Committee Member Peck seconded. The motion carried unanimously. <br />2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES December 21, 2010 <br />Committee Member Petersen asked that the 2 sentence on p a g e 2 be reworded to read", it will not <br />be able to drain." Committee Chair Scott asked the words "the project" be added to the 1 sentence <br />on page 6 so the sentence reads "Mn/DOT will be taking the project to an Arbitration Committee. <br />MOTION: Committee Member Garretson motioned to approve the December 21, 2010, minutes <br />as amended seconded by Committee Member Straumann. The motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />A. 2011 Goal Setting/Work Plan Approval <br />Ms. Olson informed she incorporated the suggestions from the previous meeting into the <br />goals /Work Plan for 2011. Also, as discussed at the last meeting, she has now <br />categorized the goals either as "ongoing" goals or as "as needed" goals. Ms. Olson asked <br />the committee if there were any additional edits they would like made to the 2011 goals. <br />She has asked the Communications Committee to place an article in the Newsletter about <br />how to find maps online where to find information about the parks in the Rec Guide and <br />on the website. <br />Committee Member Peck asked if there are plans to let the community know about the <br />opening of the CP Rail path. Ms. Olson indicated there was an article in the Newsletter. <br />