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02-15-11 PTRC
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PTRC Packet
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PTRC Packet
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Parks, Trails Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes January 11, 2011 <br />Page 2 <br />Ms. Olson indicated that a few members of the Council have expressed interest in some <br />trail signage in residential areas where it is difficult for people to determine where the <br />trail leads to or if it even continues. She reiterated that at a prior meeting the committee <br />had discussed the possibility of installing some kiosks. Committee Member Kramlinger <br />mentioned a product his neighbor's company produces that they may want to look at. <br />Ms. Olson asked Committee Member Kramlinger to get her contact information for his <br />neighbor so she could discuss pricing. He indicated he believed the cost was $20 per <br />sign and a $10 set up charge. Ms. Olson asked if the signs would be able to be cleaned if <br />vandalized. Committee Member Peck indicated they may be able to put a clear finish <br />over the signs so they are easier to clean. Ms. Olson stated the City Council may only <br />want signs placed at the trails where they are most needed. Committee Member Peck <br />suggested the committee prioritize where they would like the signage. Discussion ensued <br />on the signage. <br />Ms. Olson indicated she would like a recommendation from the committee on the goals <br />for 2011. The committee indicated they would like more time to review and bring back <br />at the next meeting. It was agreed to have the 2011 goals put back on as an agenda item <br />in February. <br />B. CP Rail Mural Discussion <br />Ms. Olson provided the committee with photos of the graffiti that someone painted on the <br />CP rail wall. Ms. Olson indicated she had talked to Mr. Hames about the graffiti and has <br />contacted Ramsey County to see if they would be able to track the responsible party. She <br />indicated the graffiti will be painted over. She did talk to Mr. Hames about cost for paint <br />and supplies and he felt it would probably be under $1,500 but he had concerns that the <br />graffiti artist may repaint the wall even after the mural is finished. He shared thoughts <br />that the committee may be putting a lot of work into this and then may have it <br />vandalized. His suggestion was that the PTRC should wait one year before holding the <br />contest. She asked for the committee's opinion on whether they wanted to proceed with <br />the mural contest at the present time. <br />Committee Chair Scott questioned whether the committee had discussed any organic <br />solutions like vines and was wondering if that would be something they may want to <br />consider. The committee agreed this is something they could consider in the future. Ms. <br />Olson indicated Council's concern was about cost and graffiti and if there is a way to <br />graffiti -proof the mural. Ms. Olson informed the members that she has not yet spoken to <br />the railroad as she was waiting for Council approval. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the mural and on how they should proceed. It was also <br />discussed that they may want to look at some timed or solar lighting for that area since it <br />is very dark. Ms. Olson stated she would like to bring a recommendation to Council in <br />March on whether to proceed with the contest and also regarding the lighting. The <br />committee decided to table the mural contest until a future date. <br />MOTION: Committee Member Peck motioned to table the CP rail mural seconded by <br />Committee Member Petersen. The motioned carried unanimously. <br />
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