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oYder for rhe City to proceed with its work �o� construciing a public improvement to the Public <br />Way. <br />3.5. Shared Use of Poles. Company shall make space available on its po�es or towers <br />fo� City fire, water �t�lity, police or other City faci�ities whenever such use will not interfere with <br />the use of such poles or tawexs by Campa�tiy, by another electric utility, by a telephone utiIity, or by <br />any cable television com�any or othe� form of communication company. Zn addition, the City shall <br />pay fox any added cost incuYred by Company because of such use by City. <br />3.6. Avoid Damage to Electric Facilities. Nothu�g in this Orclinance relieves any <br />pexson, including Co�npany, f�om arising out oF the faiiure to exe�cise reasonable care to <br />avoid daxnaging Elect�ic Faci�ities or other persons or pxoperty while pexforming any activity. <br />3.7. Notice of Im rovements to Stxeets. The City rnust give Company reasonable <br />written Not�ce of plans fox impxovements to Public Ways whete the City has reaso� to be�ieve that <br />Electric Faciliti�s may affect or be affected by the itnprovement The notice m�st contain: (i) tiie <br />nat�xxe and characte� of th� improvements, (u) the Public Ways upon which the improvem.ents are <br />to be made, (iii) the extent of the improvements, (iv) the time when the City wili start the work, <br />and (v} if rnore than ane Public Way is involved, the oxd�r in which the work is to proceed. The <br />notice must be given to Company a sufficient length o£ titne, considering seasonai working <br />canditions, ian advance of the actual commencement af the wark to permit Company to make any <br />additions, aiteratians ox repairs to its Electric Facilit�es the Company deems n.ecessary. <br />3_S Ma��ing Inforrna#ion. The Company must promptly provide mapping <br />informat�on fox any of its underground Electric Facilities in accordance cv~ith Minnesata Rules parts <br />7819.4000 and 7819_41.00 <br />SECTION 4. FACILITIES RELOCATION. <br />4.1. Relocation in Public Ways. The Company shall comply with Minnesota Rules, <br />part 7$193100 and applicable City oxdinances consistent with law. <br />4.2. Relocaiiox� iEn Public Grounds. City may requixe Compan� at Company's expense <br />to relocate or remove its Electr.ic Facilities from Public Grounc� upon a finding by City that the <br />Etectric Facilities have beco�ne or will become a substanttal unpairment to the existing or proposed <br />public use of the Public Gxound. Such relocation shall camply with applicable orclinances <br />consistent wi.#h law. <br />4.3 P�ojects with Fedetal Funding. Relacatian, removal, ar rearrangement o£ any <br />Electric Facilities made necessary because of the extension into ox through City af a fed�rally-aided <br />high�vay project shal.l be governed by the p�ovisions of Minnesota Sta.tutes Section 161.4G. It is <br />expressly understood that the rig�it hexeis� granted to Campany is a valuable property right City <br />shall not order Company to �emove or relocate its facilicies withaut campensation �uhen a Public <br />Way is vacated, improved or re-aiigned because of a renewal ox a redevelopment plan which is <br />financially subsidized in urhole ar iz� pa�t by the Fedetai Government ot any agency thereof, unless <br />the reasonable Non-betterment Costs of such relocation are paid ta Company. The City is <br />obiigated to pay Corr�pany, however, only £ox those portions of its xelocatian costs for which City <br />4 <br />