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has xeceived federal funding specifically allocated foY relocation costs in. the atx�ount �equested by <br />the Company. <br />�.4 No Waivet. Bp entering this or any prior fras�chise agxeernent with the City, <br />Company does not waiv� its rights undex an ease:tx�ent or right or Stat� oz Co��r <br />permit. <br />SECTION 5. TREE TRIMMING. <br />Unless otherwise p�ovided in any pern�it o� other �easonable regulation required by the City under <br />separate ordinance, Cotz�pany xnay tri.m a91 trees and shrubs ir� the I'ublic Ways and Public Grounds <br />of City to the extent Company finds necessary to avaid interference with #he proper canstruction, <br />operation, repair and maintenance of any Electric Faci}ities instaIled �e�eunder, provided that <br />Co�npany shall hold the City hari��less from any liability arising the�ef�otn. The Company shall <br />prompdy cieanup and remove all de6ris related to the rrimming activities. <br />SECTION 6. INDEMNIFICATION. <br />6.1. Indernnity af Cx�. Company shall indemnify and hold the City ha�less fxom any <br />and al� liability, on account of 3njury to persons or da�age to p�opetty occasianed by the <br />construction, maintenance, re�air, inspection, the issuance o�' pern�its, or rhe operation of the <br />Eleckric Faciliries located in the Public Ways and Public Grounds. The City shal.l not be <br />indet�nnified for losses oz claitns occasioned through its own negligence except for losses or ciaims <br />arising out of or alleging �ie City's negligence as to the i.ssuanc� of permits £ot, oz inspection of, <br />Co�npany's plans or work. <br />G.2. Defense� Zn the event a suat is brought agait�st the City undex <br />circumstances where this agreement to indeii�ni£y applies, Company at its sole cos� and expense <br />s�aL� defend the Ciry in such suit if written notice rhereof is promp�ly given to Com�any vcritivn a <br />period tvherein Company is not prejudiced by lack of such natice. If Company is Yequired to <br />indemnify and defend, it w�il thexeafter have control of such l�tigation, but Company may not settie <br />such lit�gation without the consent of the City, which consent sha.i� not be ur�easonably withheld. <br />This section is r�ot, as to third paxties, a�craiv-er of any defense or irnt�iunity oYherwise available to <br />the City; and Company, in defending any action on behalf of the City shall be enti�led to assert in <br />any action every c�.eEense ox izntnunity that the City cou�d assert ir� its own behalf. This franchise <br />agreement shall not be inter�reted to eanstitute a wai.vex by the City o£ any of its de£enses o£ <br />uiv.nunity o� litnitations on liability under Minnesoha Statutes, Chap�e� 4G6. <br />SECTION 7. VACATION OF PUBLIC WAYS. <br />The Ci�r shall give Cotnpany at least two meeks pxiox written r�otice of a proposed vacation of a <br />Pu�lic Way. The City and the Company shall con�ply �rith Minnesota Rules, 7819.3200 and <br />applicabie ordinances consistent with law. Except whexe xec�uired sole�y for a City improvement <br />project, the vacation oi any Public Way, after the installation of Elecrsic Facilibies, slaa.11 not operate <br />to deprive Company of its rights to ope�ate and maintain such Electric �'acilities, until the <br />reasonable cost of re�ocatirag the same first paid to Company. In no case, however, sha� the Cs.ty <br />be liable ta Com.pany fox failuxe to specifi�ally p�eserve a right-of-way, under Mii�nesota Statutes, <br />5 <br />