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Coxzamissioner Zirnrnerman stated he would like to add Condition #13 requiring the <br />applicant to reduce the amount of EFTS and bring it into compliance with the City's <br />regulatians. <br />Commissioner Reiff stated he would oppose this recomrr�endation because this will add <br />significant cost to the construction and if the City wants to ha�e business redevelop their <br />properties ihey vvill need ta be flexible with the standards. <br />Commissioner Modesette —stated there was additional cost invalved but the City has <br />established design standards and guideli�es for this district and they should follow them. <br />Cornmissioner Scott stated he would support Commissianer Zimmern�an as weli, <br />Commissioner Hames stated she would not support the 25% requirezxient but would <br />support changing the terra cotta EFIS to brick even thaugh this change may result in <br />mare tl�an ihe maxirnum of 25% EFIS. <br />Ms. Stadther stated if the design were changed where all of the terra cotta EFYS were <br />b�ck this would result in less than 25% EFI� and i�' this is the change that the City will <br />require ihe applicant will wark with ii. <br />Commissioner Modesette stated the change would improve the aesthetics oi the building. <br />Cairamissioner Scott staied ihe look of the building and how it fits the guiding plan is <br />whai the Planning Commission should be looking at and ii McDonald's is willing to <br />make the change then the Planning Commission should accept this. <br />Commissioner Reiff stated the Ciry should not put so many restrictions on business <br />owners because this will gesuIt in less development within Arden Hills. Having the back <br />of tlia building brick would not be cost effective. The view frorrx Caunty Road E is what <br />the City is concerned with. <br />Vice-Chair Thornpson agreed that the Planning Commission shauld enforce fhe City's <br />codes. The Planning Commi�sion did approve the Guiding Plan for the B2 District and <br />should enforce these standards. <br />Car�missioner Zi�merman maved and Commissioner Modesette �econded a�otian <br />to adc� condition #13 restric�in the amount of EFIS on the exterior of tihe buildin <br />to �o more than 25%. Tne rnotion carried 5-2 . <br />Ayes: Vice-Chair Thompson, Commissioners Scott, Modesette, Zimmerman, and <br />Halewa. <br />Nays: Commissioners Reiif and Hames. <br />Cominissioner Holewa moved and Com�nissioner Zim�merman a motion to <br />Recommend A roval of Plannin Case 11-001 for a Master and Final PUD at 1313 <br />