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City Planner Beekman explained trafFc would be able to enter on the north side of the <br />facility and then exit on either the north or south side. This is a change from the current <br />configuratian, which allows traffic to exit from the south side of the �'acility anly. <br />Commissioner Holewa asked if aIl the trees on the south were �eing rema�ed as part of <br />the reconstruction. <br />City Planner Beekrnan explained the tree on the corner of the property would remain and <br />tY�e others vvould be removed. <br />Commissioner Reiff aslced the applicant if the reques�ed �ree replacement of 10 ca�iper <br />inches �vould be feasible on the property. He also asked to clarify if the applicant was <br />agreeable to waiving their right to appeal for a future assessmen�. <br />N1rs. Vicky Stadther, Area Construction Manager for McDonald's, stated the applicant <br />did not faresee any problems with replacing the requested 10 caliper inches of �rees on <br />the property and the trees that will be used will be viable in the future. She also stated as <br />long as the language in the development agreement will be specific to the sidewalk this <br />will be accepiable to the applicant and the applicant prefers to have the amount assessed <br />when the sidewalk is built versus having this money sit in an escrow account for am <br />undetermined amount oi time. <br />Commissioner Zimmerman stated the maxi�num requirerz�eni of EFTS for �he ��terior is <br />significan�Iy deviated from. He stafed tl�e City should s�ick ta the Guiding Plan �or the <br />B2 District and not allow a deviation to this exteni. <br />Ms. Stadther clarified the areas of the buildi�g that would be constr�cted o� EFIS. She <br />stated the applicant could increase the a�.ount of brick on the building but this would <br />increase the costs of construction by a rr�inimum of $50,000. The proposal has EF�S on <br />the terra cotta upper portion of the building and the offset cream color portion of the <br />building. <br />Commissioner Zi�nmerman asked what the time frame for canstruction wouid be for this <br />praject and if additional brick wauld increase this consiruction time. <br />Ms. Stadther stated the expected construction time is approxi�nately 13 weeks and adding <br />brick would not extend this tirrie frame. <br />Vice-Chair Thompson apened the p�blic hearing at b:53 p.m. <br />Vice-Cha�ir Thompson invited anyone for or against the application to come forward and <br />make cozn�nent. <br />Vice-Chair Thompson closed the public hearing at 6:54 p.m, <br />