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+ Parking - No more than SO percent of parking can be located in side yards. The <br />proposed site plan shows nearly all of the pa�rking located betwe�n the buiIding and <br />Connelly Avenue. Additional landscaping has been provided in an att�mpt ta screen <br />the visibility o�Fthe parking lot frorn the street. <br />4. Design Standards <br />Building MateYials <br />McDonald's has revised their plans from the initial subrriiital to reduce �ie a�maunt of EFIS <br />on the building to less than 25 percent of the buiiding fa�ade. The buildin.g itself is now 100 <br />percent brick and glass, while the arcade features around the front door and windows consist <br />of an EFIS material. While EFIS makes up 41 percent of the front of the building, it <br />comprises 18 percent of the total building fa�ade. <br />Sidewalk <br />The Code requires a six-foo� cancrete sidewalk to be built along both the County Road E and <br />Connelly Avenue rights of way. The Code also allows the Ciiy to require cash in lieu of <br />constructing the sidewalks to satisfy ihis obligation. The City is currently working on a plan <br />to reconstruct the County Road E Bridge to include a pedestrian connection over Highway <br />51. In addition, the grade challenges in the County Road E righi of r�vay adjaceni to the <br />McDonald's property creafe a financial hardship for the property owner if a sidewalk was to <br />be required by the City, due to tlze need far significant grading and retaining walls. <br />Due to the impending bridge reconstruction and the significant grade challenges that exist <br />along County Road E in �his area, the Develop�nent Agreem�nt allows the City to assess at a <br />future date the cost of constructing a six-foot concrete sidewalk along Connelly Avenue and <br />County Raad E. The Development Agreernent siates that the City can assess up to the cost of <br />constructing a six-faot concrete sidewaik on flat grade for the length of the County Road E <br />and ConnelIy Avenue sidewalk segments adjacent to the McDonald's property. That dollar <br />amount can then be used tawards ihe constructian of these sidewalks at the time they are <br />consfructed. <br />Findin s of Fact: <br />The Planning Comrnissian offers th� following eleven findings of fact for this proposal: <br />1. The applicant is requesiing approval of a Master and Final PUD for the redevelopment of <br />the McDanald's restaurant at 1313 County Road E. <br />2. The PUD process allows for flexibility within the City's regulatians through a negotiated <br />process with a developer. <br />3. The subject property is located in tl�e B2 General Business District. <br />4. The propased redevelopment is a pe�nitted use in the B2 District. <br />Czly of�4rden Hills <br />City Councid Meeting for Novemher 29, 20I0 <br />C:1DOCi1ME�-IIME,4GAN 1.BEE'ILpCRLS IlTemplELF20110225 ]01339102-28-11- CC Memo - McDonalds.doc <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />