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3_3 Provide or designate a bulEefin baard, or a po�tion thereo#, �or posting of notzces ai <br />UNION a�Fairs_ <br />3_4 The UNiON may designate one emplayee frorn the bargaining ur�it ta act as Stewafd, <br />and s�at! €nform the EMPLOYER in writing oi sucE� chaice. <br />3_5 The UN[QN agrees to ir�ciernnify anci �€�Id ihe EMPE�OYER harmless agai�st any ar�d al! <br />claims, suits, orders, or jt�cigrrsents �raught or issued against ihe City as a result o� any <br />action talcen o� not take� by the City under the provisior�s ot this Article_ <br />ARTlCLE 1V — FMPLOYER AUTHORITY <br />4_ i The UN�ON rEcagnizes tf�e Qrerogative �€ the EMPLOYER to operate and rr�anage ifs <br />affairs in at[ respects in accordance with exisiing and f�ture laurs and regulations of <br />approp€iate au#l�orsties incfuding municipaliiy �ersonnel policies a�d work rules_ <br />42 The p�erogati�es anc3 auihority which the EMP�OYER t�as no# o�ficialiy abridged, <br />delegated or �nod�ied by the AGR�EMENT are retained by the EMPLOYER_ <br />ARTICLE V— EMPLDYEE RIGHTSI GRlEVANCE PROCEDURE <br />5_ i Detnitton of a Grievanee <br />A grievar�ce is defined as a dis{�uie or drsagreerneni as ta the interpreiation or <br />applieation of the specitc terms and conditions of th7s AGREEMENT. <br />5_2 Union Re resentatives <br />The �MPLOYEft wilf recognize represe�tatives designated by the UNION as the <br />grievance representatives o# the bargaining ur�it having ihe duties and responsibitifies <br />estabiished by this Ar�ide_ The UNION shat€ notify fhe EMPLQYER in writing of the <br />narnes of such UNION represeniatives a�d of their successors wher� so designated_ <br />5_3 Processin o# a Gtsevance <br />it is r�cognized and accepted by ihe tJNION and ihe EMP�OYER that the pracessing ai <br />grierrances as hereinafter provided is iimifed by ti�e �ob duties and rsspansibilities of the <br />employees and shall therefore be accor�plished during norrr�al working haurs only w�er� <br />consis#ent wif� such errrployee duties and respoRsibiliCies_ Ti�e aggriev�d emp�oyee and <br />tF�e UNfON represeniat��e shall be altotirved a reasonable arr:oun# of time w�thout loss i� <br />pay w�en a grie�ar�ce is investigated a�d presented to fhe EMPL4YER d�ring narma! <br />wa�icing hours, pravided t�s employee ar�d the UNION representat��e have nat�ed ar�d <br />recei�ed appro�at af fhe designated supe�visor wha i�as determined tfiat such absence <br />is reasonable a�d wou�d not be detrirnental ta the wark prograr�s of the EMP�OYER. <br />5_4 Procedure <br />Grievances, as defined by Section 5_ �, s�ail f�e resol�ed in conforrr�ance with the <br />foliow�ng procedure_ <br />� <br />