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EN HILLS <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: March 17, 2011 <br /> TO: Patrick Klaers, City Administrator <br /> FROM: Sue Iverson, Director of Finance and Administrative Services <br /> SUBJECT: COLA Analysis for 2011 <br /> In the 2011 Budget process we put$20,211 in the General Fund Contingency for salary increases <br /> as we did not have the union contract settled. Since we have now settled the union contract for <br /> the years 2011 —2012, we now know that the increase for union employees will be 0% for 2011. <br /> You have asked me what the impact on the budget would be for a 1% increase retro to January 1, <br /> 2011 followed by a 1% increase on July 1, 2011 for the non-union employees. You have also <br /> asked what the impact on the budget would be for a 1.5% increase retro to January 1, 2011 for <br /> the non-union employees. <br /> The effect of a 1% increase on January 1 s and July 1"would be as follows: <br /> General <br /> Fund <br /> 1%Jan 1 $ 6,108 <br /> 1%Jul 1 3,548 <br /> Total Increase $ 9,656 <br /> The effect of a 1.5% increase on January 1st would be: <br /> General <br /> Fund <br /> Jan 1 $ 9,502 <br /> Total $ 9,502 <br /> In effect, either way it amounts to a 1.5% increase for the year, but the advantages of the first <br /> option (1% on January 15t and 1% on July lst) would be that it adjusts the pay scales for non- <br /> union employees to "catch-up" for what happened last year when the union employee got a 3% <br /> increase and the non-union employees got 0%. This would result in the non-union employees' <br /> pay scales only 1%behind the union's at the end of the year. <br />