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Mayor David Grant <br />February 28, 2091 <br />Page �'ive <br />MnIDOT response — T�is requesi is outside #he Eimits of this project. The de�elapment of a TH 10 <br />r►on-rnotoriz�dlp�destrian b�dge crossing is a project that s�oufd be funded throug� the regionaf <br />so[icitation process #ar Trar�sportation Enha�cement dollars. This pro}ect wo�ld compete with <br />ather projects in the region with the best projects being sefected for funding. Build�ng connect�ng <br />facilities to the project woulci benefit the City by enhancing the proposed pedestrian bridge proj�ct <br />subrni#�al. <br />10 — The Cify requesfs that MnDOT show on the appraved layout a fi faof wide concrefe sidewalk <br />on the west s�de of Namline Avenue frQm Floral Drive to County Road F and on the south side of <br />County Road F towards L�xington Av�nue to the existing and/or planned sidet+valk. <br />MnIDOT response — Completed - Mn1DOT is shawing t�e 6' wide cancrete sidewalk along <br />Ham�ine Aver�ue f�am Floral Dri�e to County Road F, inciuding ADA rec{uiremer�ts for pedesirian <br />crossings. MnIDOT is willing to construct any add�tiona! sidewalks that the City requests, but <br />Arden Hi�Es is responsible for the casts of the sic�ewalks, and Arden Hifls will need to pro�ide the <br />necessary RIlIV. <br />1'i — 7"he City requests that MnDOT include as part of the praposed bridge siructure crossrng l-694 <br />a non-moforized/pedestrian facility that will provide for movemer�ts from fhe west side of Namline <br />Avenue to fhe wesf side of TH 51. <br />MnIDDT response — MnIDOT �as taken a proacti�e approach in trying to address the petfestrian <br />issue in this area. The desig�, as it exists today, does not preclude any pedestrian options through <br />the area 'far recreational use. The users there today wil[ stit� ha�e ihe abi4ity to ma�eu�er through <br />the area in the future. Northbound TH 51 will have a 10` shaulder on t�e outside, and so�t�bound <br />Hamline A�enue will have 24' of �avement widk�. <br />As pre�iously stated in a letter to Mayor Harpstead, dated August 5, 2010, and in MnlDOT's <br />presen�ation to the Arden Hills City Council meeting an August 9, 2010, crossing �-694 on t�e <br />Hamlir�elTH 51 bricfges does pr�sent situations that are nof safe for pedestrians. These situations <br />require pedestriar�s to cross high r►olume traffic headed i�ia two separate entrance loops or <br />crassing a�igh spaed cannection from EB I-694 to SB TH 51. These conditions create sit�ations <br />An �quai Opporfunity Employ�r <br />. <br />� � . -- <br />� �� � i <br />� �. ,�_ (/ �1 � "� <br />